Col. of Charleston

September 22, 2024 • Elon, N.C.


Official Volleyball Box Score (Final)
Col. of Charleston vs Elon
September 22, 2024 at Elon, N.C.
Col. of Charleston -- 3
##Col. of CharlestonSKETAPctAstSASEREDigBSBABEBHEPts


Team Attack By Set
Col. of Charleston (3)23252525
Elon (1)25221122

Elon -- 1


Team Attack By Set
Site: Schar Center (Robertson Court) (Elon, N.C.)
Date:09/22/2024 - Attendance: 148 - Time: 1:59
Referees: Terry Martin; Wayne Clark; David Atkins; Rosendo Bryden;

Charleston at Elon
Play-by-Play Summary (1st set)
Col. of Charleston vs Elon (09/22/2024 at Elon, N.C.)

ScorePlays: Set 1ServePoint
Elon starters: Schall,Annabelle; Doyle,Caroline; Johnson,Kyla; O'Laughlin,Shannon; Love,Sydney; Berlekamp,Caroline; Lanier,Cameron
Col. of Charleston starters: Scott,Hannah; Appleman,Emma; Callahan,Caitlyn; Banitt,Emily; Smeltzer,Tynley; Holland,Allie; Angell,Olivia
ELO sub in: Doyle,Caroline.
CoC sub in: Smeltzer,Tynley.
0-1[Serve: O'Laughlin,Shannon] Kill by Berlekamp,Caroline (assist from Schall,Annabelle). S:ELO P:ELO
0-2[Serve: O'Laughlin,Shannon] Block Assist by Berlekamp,Caroline; Schall,Annabelle (Attack error by Callahan,Caitlyn). S:ELO P:ELO
0-3[Serve: O'Laughlin,Shannon] Block Assist by Love,Sydney; Berlekamp,Caroline (Attack error by Callahan,Caitlyn). S:ELO P:ELO
1-3[Serve: O'Laughlin,Shannon] Kill by Banitt,Emily (assist from Angell,Olivia). S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Dykes,Emily.
2-3[Serve: Scott,Hannah] Service ace by Scott,Hannah (Reception Error: Lanier,Cameron). S:CoC P:CoC
2-4[Serve: Scott,Hannah] Service error. S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Johnson,Kyla.
2-5[Serve: Berlekamp,Caroline] Kill by Johnson,Kyla (assist from Schall,Annabelle). S:ELO P:ELO
2-6[Serve: Berlekamp,Caroline] Kill by Love,Sydney (assist from O'Laughlin,Shannon). S:ELO P:ELO
3-6[Serve: Berlekamp,Caroline] Kill by Dykes,Emily (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:ELO P:CoC
ELO sub in: Doyle,Caroline.
CoC sub in: Smith,Anna.
4-6[Serve: Banitt,Emily] Attack error by Lanier,Cameron. S:CoC P:CoC
5-6[Serve: Banitt,Emily] Block Assist by Callahan,Caitlyn; Dykes,Emily (Attack error by Love,Sydney). S:CoC P:CoC
5-7[Serve: Banitt,Emily] Kill by Love,Sydney (assist from Schall,Annabelle). S:CoC P:ELO
6-7[Serve: Schall,Annabelle] Attack error by Love,Sydney. S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Holland,Allie.
CoC sub in: Smeltzer,Tynley.
6-8[Serve: Smeltzer,Tynley] Kill by Lanier,Cameron (assist from Schall,Annabelle). S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Brower,Casey.
ELO sub in: LaRue,Clara.
7-8[Serve: Brower,Casey] Kill by Dykes,Emily (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Appleman,Emma.
7-9[Serve: Appleman,Emma] Kill by Lanier,Cameron (assist from Schall,Annabelle). S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Berlekamp,Caroline.
ELO sub in: Doyle,Caroline.
7-10[Serve: Doyle,Caroline] Kill by Lanier,Cameron (assist from Schall,Annabelle). S:ELO P:ELO
8-10[Serve: Doyle,Caroline] Kill by Holland,Allie (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Angell,Olivia.
9-10[Serve: Angell,Olivia] Service ace by Angell,Olivia (Reception Error: Brower,Casey). S:CoC P:CoC
9-11[Serve: Angell,Olivia] Kill by Lanier,Cameron (assist from Schall,Annabelle). S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Link,Ericka.
ELO sub in: Barker,Lily.
9-12[Serve: Link,Ericka] Service ace by Link,Ericka (Reception Error: Angell,Olivia). S:ELO P:ELO
10-12[Serve: Link,Ericka] Service error. S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Callahan,Caitlyn.
10-13[Serve: Holland,Allie] Kill by LaRue,Clara (assist from Link,Ericka). S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Love,Sydney.
CoC sub in: Smeltzer,Tynley.
11-13[Serve: LaRue,Clara] Kill by Banitt,Emily (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Dykes,Emily.
11-14[Serve: Scott,Hannah] Kill by Love,Sydney (assist from Link,Ericka). S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Johnson,Kyla.
12-14[Serve: Berlekamp,Caroline] Service error. S:ELO P:CoC
ELO sub in: Doyle,Caroline.
CoC sub in: Smith,Anna.
13-14[Serve: Banitt,Emily] Kill by Banitt,Emily (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:CoC P:CoC
13-15[Serve: Banitt,Emily] Kill by Johnson,Kyla (assist from Link,Ericka). S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Lanier,Cameron.
ELO sub in: Schall,Annabelle.
14-15[Serve: Schall,Annabelle] Attack error by Lanier,Cameron. S:ELO P:CoC
15-15[Serve: Smeltzer,Tynley] Attack error by Love,Sydney. S:CoC P:CoC
CoC sub in: Holland,Allie.
CoC sub in: Smeltzer,Tynley.
15-16[Serve: Smeltzer,Tynley] Kill by Johnson,Kyla (assist from Schall,Annabelle). S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Brower,Casey.
15-17[Serve: Brower,Casey] Attack error by Smith,Anna. S:ELO P:ELO
Timeout by Col. of Charleston. S:ELO
15-18[Serve: Brower,Casey] Service ace by Brower,Casey (Reception Error: Smith,Anna). S:ELO P:ELO
16-18[Serve: Brower,Casey] Service error. S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Appleman,Emma.
17-18[Serve: Appleman,Emma] Kill by Smith,Anna (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:CoC P:CoC
18-18[Serve: Appleman,Emma] Kill by Smith,Anna (assist from Appleman,Emma). S:CoC P:CoC
19-18[Serve: Appleman,Emma] Kill by Scott,Hannah. S:CoC P:CoC
Timeout by Elon. S:CoC
19-19[Serve: Appleman,Emma] Kill by Johnson,Kyla (assist from Schall,Annabelle). S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Berlekamp,Caroline.
ELO sub in: Doyle,Caroline.
20-19[Serve: Doyle,Caroline] Kill by Smith,Anna (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Angell,Olivia.
21-19[Serve: Angell,Olivia] Kill by Banitt,Emily (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:CoC P:CoC
Timeout by Elon. S:CoC
21-20[Serve: Angell,Olivia] Attack error by Banitt,Emily. S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Link,Ericka.
ELO sub in: Barker,Lily.
21-21[Serve: Link,Ericka] Service ace by Link,Ericka. S:ELO P:ELO
21-22[Serve: Link,Ericka] Service ace by Link,Ericka (Reception Error: Angell,Olivia). S:ELO P:ELO
Timeout by Col. of Charleston. S:ELO
22-22[Serve: Link,Ericka] Kill by Banitt,Emily (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Callahan,Caitlyn.
22-23[Serve: Holland,Allie] Service error. S:CoC P:ELO
CoC sub in: Smeltzer,Tynley.
ELO sub in: O'Laughlin,Shannon.
ELO sub in: Love,Sydney.
22-24[Serve: O'Laughlin,Shannon] Kill by Love,Sydney (assist from Doyle,Caroline). -- SET POINT. S:ELO P:ELO
23-24[Serve: O'Laughlin,Shannon] Kill by Scott,Hannah - Block error by Love,Sydney. -- SET POINT. S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Dykes,Emily.
23-25[Serve: Scott,Hannah] Kill by Berlekamp,Caroline (assist from Link,Ericka). -- SET ELON. S:CoC P:ELO

Charleston at Elon
Play-by-Play Summary (2nd set)
Col. of Charleston vs Elon (09/22/2024 at Elon, N.C.)

ScorePlays: Set 2ServePoint
Elon starters: Schall,Annabelle; Doyle,Caroline; Johnson,Kyla; O'Laughlin,Shannon; Love,Sydney; Berlekamp,Caroline; Lanier,Cameron
Col. of Charleston starters: Scott,Hannah; Callahan,Caitlyn; Banitt,Emily; Smeltzer,Tynley; Holland,Allie; Dykes,Emily; Angell,Olivia
ELO sub in: Doyle,Caroline.
CoC sub in: Smeltzer,Tynley.
1-0[Serve: Scott,Hannah] Kill by Callahan,Caitlyn (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:CoC P:CoC
2-0[Serve: Scott,Hannah] Service ace by Scott,Hannah (Reception Error: Doyle,Caroline). S:CoC P:CoC
2-1[Serve: Scott,Hannah] Kill by Love,Sydney (assist from Schall,Annabelle). S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Johnson,Kyla.
2-2[Serve: Berlekamp,Caroline] Service ace by Berlekamp,Caroline. S:ELO P:ELO
2-3[Serve: Berlekamp,Caroline] Service ace by Berlekamp,Caroline (Reception Error: Banitt,Emily). S:ELO P:ELO
3-3[Serve: Berlekamp,Caroline] Kill by Banitt,Emily (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:ELO P:CoC
ELO sub in: Doyle,Caroline.
CoC sub in: Smith,Anna.
4-3[Serve: Banitt,Emily] Kill by Callahan,Caitlyn (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:CoC P:CoC
5-3[Serve: Banitt,Emily] Bad set by Schall,Annabelle. S:CoC P:CoC
5-4[Serve: Banitt,Emily] Service error. S:CoC P:ELO
6-4[Serve: Schall,Annabelle] Service error. S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Holland,Allie.
CoC sub in: Smeltzer,Tynley.
6-5[Serve: Smeltzer,Tynley] Kill by Love,Sydney (assist from O'Laughlin,Shannon). S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Brower,Casey.
ELO sub in: LaRue,Clara.
7-5[Serve: Brower,Casey] Kill by Holland,Allie (assist from Appleman,Emma). S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Appleman,Emma.
8-5[Serve: Appleman,Emma] Attack error by Johnson,Kyla. S:CoC P:CoC
9-5[Serve: Appleman,Emma] Attack error by Johnson,Kyla. S:CoC P:CoC
Timeout by Elon. S:CoC
9-6[Serve: Appleman,Emma] Service error. S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Berlekamp,Caroline.
ELO sub in: Doyle,Caroline.
10-6[Serve: Doyle,Caroline] Kill by Holland,Allie (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Angell,Olivia.
10-7[Serve: Angell,Olivia] Kill by LaRue,Clara (assist from Doyle,Caroline). S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Link,Ericka.
ELO sub in: Barker,Lily.
10-8[Serve: Link,Ericka] Service ace by Link,Ericka (Reception Error: Smeltzer,Tynley). S:ELO P:ELO
11-8[Serve: Link,Ericka] Service error. S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Callahan,Caitlyn.
12-8[Serve: Holland,Allie] Kill by Banitt,Emily (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:CoC P:CoC
13-8[Serve: Holland,Allie] Kill by Banitt,Emily (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:CoC P:CoC
Timeout by Elon. S:CoC
14-8[Serve: Holland,Allie] Kill by Callahan,Caitlyn. S:CoC P:CoC
15-8[Serve: Holland,Allie] Kill by Banitt,Emily (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:CoC P:CoC
16-8[Serve: Holland,Allie] Block Assist by Banitt,Emily; Callahan,Caitlyn (Attack error by LaRue,Clara). S:CoC P:CoC
16-9[Serve: Holland,Allie] Kill by LaRue,Clara (assist from Link,Ericka). S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: O'Laughlin,Shannon.
ELO sub in: Love,Sydney.
CoC sub in: Smeltzer,Tynley.
16-10[Serve: O'Laughlin,Shannon] Service ace by O'Laughlin,Shannon (Reception Error: Angell,Olivia). S:ELO P:ELO
17-10[Serve: O'Laughlin,Shannon] Kill by Banitt,Emily (assist from Appleman,Emma). S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Dykes,Emily.
18-10[Serve: Scott,Hannah] Attack error by Barker,Lily. S:CoC P:CoC
18-11[Serve: Scott,Hannah] Service error. S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Johnson,Kyla.
18-12[Serve: Berlekamp,Caroline] Service ace by Berlekamp,Caroline (Reception Error: Banitt,Emily). S:ELO P:ELO
19-12[Serve: Berlekamp,Caroline] Attack error by Barker,Lily. S:ELO P:CoC
ELO sub in: Doyle,Caroline.
CoC sub in: Smith,Anna.
19-13[Serve: Banitt,Emily] Kill by Love,Sydney (assist from Link,Ericka). S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Lanier,Cameron.
ELO sub in: Schall,Annabelle.
20-13[Serve: Schall,Annabelle] Kill by Dykes,Emily (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Holland,Allie.
CoC sub in: Smeltzer,Tynley.
20-14[Serve: Smeltzer,Tynley] Kill by Love,Sydney (assist from Schall,Annabelle). S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Brower,Casey.
ELO sub in: LaRue,Clara.
20-15[Serve: Brower,Casey] Block Assist by Johnson,Kyla; Lanier,Cameron (Attack error by Smith,Anna). S:ELO P:ELO
21-15[Serve: Brower,Casey] Service error. S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Appleman,Emma.
21-16[Serve: Appleman,Emma] Kill by LaRue,Clara (assist from Brower,Casey). S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Berlekamp,Caroline.
ELO sub in: Doyle,Caroline.
21-17[Serve: Doyle,Caroline] Service ace by Doyle,Caroline (Reception Error: Smeltzer,Tynley). S:ELO P:ELO
Timeout by Col. of Charleston. S:ELO
21-18[Serve: Doyle,Caroline] Service ace by Doyle,Caroline (Reception Error: Smeltzer,Tynley). S:ELO P:ELO
22-18[Serve: Doyle,Caroline] Kill by Smith,Anna (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Angell,Olivia.
22-19[Serve: Angell,Olivia] Kill by LaRue,Clara (assist from Doyle,Caroline) - Block error by Holland,Allie. S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Link,Ericka.
ELO sub in: Harris,Lindsey.
23-19[Serve: Link,Ericka] Kill by Scott,Hannah. S:ELO P:CoC
24-19[Serve: Holland,Allie] Block Assist by Callahan,Caitlyn; Banitt,Emily (Attack error by Harris,Lindsey). -- SET POINT. S:CoC P:CoC
CoC sub in: Callahan,Caitlyn.
24-20[Serve: Holland,Allie] Attack error by Banitt,Emily. -- SET POINT. S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: O'Laughlin,Shannon.
ELO sub in: Love,Sydney.
24-21[Serve: O'Laughlin,Shannon] unhandled score. -- SET POINT. S:ELO P:ELO
CoC sub in: Smeltzer,Tynley.
Timeout by Col. of Charleston. S:ELO
CoC sub in: Appleman,Emma.
24-22[Serve: O'Laughlin,Shannon] Attack error by Banitt,Emily. -- SET POINT. S:ELO P:ELO
25-22[Serve: O'Laughlin,Shannon] Block Assist by Banitt,Emily; Callahan,Caitlyn (Attack error by Harris,Lindsey). -- SET COL. OF CHARLESTON. S:ELO P:CoC

Charleston at Elon
Play-by-Play Summary (3rd set)
Col. of Charleston vs Elon (09/22/2024 at Elon, N.C.)

ScorePlays: Set 3ServePoint
Elon starters: Schall,Annabelle; Doyle,Caroline; Johnson,Kyla; O'Laughlin,Shannon; Love,Sydney; Berlekamp,Caroline; Lanier,Cameron
Col. of Charleston starters: Scott,Hannah; Appleman,Emma; Callahan,Caitlyn; Banitt,Emily; Smeltzer,Tynley; Holland,Allie; Angell,Olivia
ELO sub in: Doyle,Caroline.
CoC sub in: Smeltzer,Tynley.
1-0[Serve: O'Laughlin,Shannon] Kill by Banitt,Emily (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Dykes,Emily.
2-0[Serve: Scott,Hannah] Attack error by Love,Sydney. S:CoC P:CoC
3-0[Serve: Scott,Hannah] Kill by Dykes,Emily (assist from Smeltzer,Tynley). S:CoC P:CoC
4-0[Serve: Scott,Hannah] Service ace by Scott,Hannah (Reception Error: O'Laughlin,Shannon). S:CoC P:CoC
Timeout by Elon. S:CoC
4-1[Serve: Scott,Hannah] Service error. S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Johnson,Kyla.
4-2[Serve: Berlekamp,Caroline] Service ace by Berlekamp,Caroline (Reception Error: Angell,Olivia). S:ELO P:ELO
5-2[Serve: Berlekamp,Caroline] Service error. S:ELO P:CoC
ELO sub in: Doyle,Caroline.
CoC sub in: Smith,Anna.
5-3[Serve: Banitt,Emily] Kill by Lanier,Cameron (assist from Doyle,Caroline). S:CoC P:ELO
6-3[Serve: Schall,Annabelle] Attack error by Lanier,Cameron. S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Holland,Allie.
CoC sub in: Smeltzer,Tynley.
6-4[Serve: Smeltzer,Tynley] Block Assist by Lanier,Cameron; Johnson,Kyla (Attack error by Smith,Anna). S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Brower,Casey.
ELO sub in: LaRue,Clara.
7-4[Serve: Brower,Casey] Kill by Holland,Allie (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Appleman,Emma.
7-5[Serve: Appleman,Emma] Kill by Lanier,Cameron (assist from Doyle,Caroline). S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Berlekamp,Caroline.
ELO sub in: Doyle,Caroline.
8-5[Serve: Doyle,Caroline] Kill by Holland,Allie (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Angell,Olivia.
8-6[Serve: Angell,Olivia] Kill by Lanier,Cameron (assist from Schall,Annabelle). S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Link,Ericka.
ELO sub in: Harris,Lindsey.
8-7[Serve: Link,Ericka] Attack error by Banitt,Emily. S:ELO P:ELO
9-7[Serve: Link,Ericka] Service error. S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Callahan,Caitlyn.
10-7[Serve: Holland,Allie] Kill by Scott,Hannah. S:CoC P:CoC
11-7[Serve: Holland,Allie] Attack error by LaRue,Clara. S:CoC P:CoC
12-7[Serve: Holland,Allie] Attack error by Harris,Lindsey. S:CoC P:CoC
13-7[Serve: Holland,Allie] Kill by Banitt,Emily (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:CoC P:CoC
Timeout by Elon. S:CoC
14-7[Serve: Holland,Allie] Block Assist by Callahan,Caitlyn; Scott,Hannah (Attack error by LaRue,Clara). S:CoC P:CoC
ELO sub in: Barker,Lily.
15-7[Serve: Holland,Allie] Attack error by Berlekamp,Caroline. S:CoC P:CoC
16-7[Serve: Holland,Allie] Kill by Banitt,Emily (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:CoC P:CoC
ELO sub in: Rucker,Catherine.
16-8[Serve: Holland,Allie] Kill by Rucker,Catherine (assist from Link,Ericka). S:CoC P:ELO
CoC sub in: Smeltzer,Tynley.
ELO sub in: Love,Sydney.
ELO sub in: O'Laughlin,Shannon.
16-9[Serve: O'Laughlin,Shannon] Kill by Rucker,Catherine. S:ELO P:ELO
17-9[Serve: O'Laughlin,Shannon] Kill by Callahan,Caitlyn (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Dykes,Emily.
18-9[Serve: Scott,Hannah] Attack error by Love,Sydney. S:CoC P:CoC
19-9[Serve: Scott,Hannah] Kill by Banitt,Emily (assist from Angell,Olivia). S:CoC P:CoC
20-9[Serve: Scott,Hannah] Kill by Callahan,Caitlyn (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:CoC P:CoC
ELO sub in: Kasten,Keira.
20-10[Serve: Scott,Hannah] Kill by Kasten,Keira (assist from Link,Ericka). S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Johnson,Kyla.
21-10[Serve: Rucker,Catherine] Attack error by Barker,Lily. S:ELO P:CoC
ELO sub in: Doyle,Caroline.
CoC sub in: Smith,Anna.
22-10[Serve: Banitt,Emily] Attack error by Barker,Lily. S:CoC P:CoC
23-10[Serve: Banitt,Emily] Kill by Callahan,Caitlyn (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:CoC P:CoC
24-10[Serve: Banitt,Emily] Kill by Banitt,Emily (assist from Scott,Hannah). -- SET POINT. S:CoC P:CoC
24-11[Serve: Banitt,Emily] Kill by Kasten,Keira (assist from Link,Ericka). -- SET POINT. S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Lanier,Cameron.
ELO sub in: Schall,Annabelle.
25-11[Serve: Schall,Annabelle] Kill by Smith,Anna (assist from Smeltzer,Tynley). -- SET COL. OF CHARLESTON. S:ELO P:CoC

Charleston at Elon
Play-by-Play Summary (4th set)
Col. of Charleston vs Elon (09/22/2024 at Elon, N.C.)

ScorePlays: Set 4ServePoint
Elon starters: Schall,Annabelle; Doyle,Caroline; Brower,Casey; Love,Sydney; Berlekamp,Caroline; Lanier,Cameron; Rucker,Catherine
Col. of Charleston starters: Scott,Hannah; Callahan,Caitlyn; Banitt,Emily; Smeltzer,Tynley; Holland,Allie; Dykes,Emily; Angell,Olivia
CoC sub in: Smeltzer,Tynley.
ELO sub in: Doyle,Caroline.
0-1[Serve: Scott,Hannah] Attack error by Banitt,Emily. S:CoC P:ELO
0-2[Serve: Schall,Annabelle] Attack error by Dykes,Emily. S:ELO P:ELO
0-3[Serve: Schall,Annabelle] Kill by Lanier,Cameron (assist from Doyle,Caroline). S:ELO P:ELO
1-3[Serve: Schall,Annabelle] Kill by Banitt,Emily (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Smith,Anna.
1-4[Serve: Banitt,Emily] Kill by Rucker,Catherine (assist from Schall,Annabelle). S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Kasten,Keira.
ELO sub in: O'Laughlin,Shannon.
1-5[Serve: O'Laughlin,Shannon] Kill by Lanier,Cameron (assist from Rucker,Catherine). S:ELO P:ELO
Timeout by Col. of Charleston. S:ELO
2-5[Serve: O'Laughlin,Shannon] Kill by Callahan,Caitlyn (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Holland,Allie.
CoC sub in: Smeltzer,Tynley.
2-6[Serve: Smeltzer,Tynley] Kill by Kasten,Keira. S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Berlekamp,Caroline.
ELO sub in: Doyle,Caroline.
3-6[Serve: Doyle,Caroline] Kill by Holland,Allie (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Appleman,Emma.
3-7[Serve: Appleman,Emma] Kill by Lanier,Cameron (assist from Schall,Annabelle). S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Palmer,Kayla.
ELO sub in: Harris,Lindsey.
4-7[Serve: O'Laughlin,Shannon] Kill by Smith,Anna (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Angell,Olivia.
4-8[Serve: Angell,Olivia] Block Solo by Kasten,Keira (Attack error by Scott,Hannah). S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Brower,Casey.
ELO sub in: Love,Sydney.
5-8[Serve: Brower,Casey] Kill by Banitt,Emily (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Callahan,Caitlyn.
5-9[Serve: Holland,Allie] Kill by Love,Sydney (assist from Palmer,Kayla). S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Rucker,Catherine.
CoC sub in: Smeltzer,Tynley.
6-9[Serve: Berlekamp,Caroline] Kill by Banitt,Emily (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:ELO P:CoC
ELO sub in: Doyle,Caroline.
CoC sub in: Dykes,Emily.
7-9[Serve: Scott,Hannah] Block Assist by Callahan,Caitlyn; Banitt,Emily (Attack error by Harris,Lindsey). S:CoC P:CoC
8-9[Serve: Scott,Hannah] Kill by Callahan,Caitlyn. S:CoC P:CoC
9-9[Serve: Scott,Hannah] Attack error by Rucker,Catherine. S:CoC P:CoC
9-10[Serve: Scott,Hannah] Kill by Love,Sydney (assist from Palmer,Kayla). S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Lanier,Cameron.
ELO sub in: Schall,Annabelle.
9-11[Serve: Schall,Annabelle] Kill by Rucker,Catherine (assist from Schall,Annabelle). S:ELO P:ELO
10-11[Serve: Schall,Annabelle] Attack error by Lanier,Cameron. S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Smith,Anna.
11-11[Serve: Banitt,Emily] Kill by Callahan,Caitlyn (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:CoC P:CoC
11-12[Serve: Banitt,Emily] Kill by Lanier,Cameron (assist from Schall,Annabelle). S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Kasten,Keira.
ELO sub in: O'Laughlin,Shannon.
12-12[Serve: O'Laughlin,Shannon] Kill by Callahan,Caitlyn (assist from Scott,Hannah) - Block error by Rucker,Catherine. S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Holland,Allie.
CoC sub in: Smeltzer,Tynley.
13-12[Serve: Smeltzer,Tynley] Block Solo by Holland,Allie (Attack error by Rucker,Catherine). S:CoC P:CoC
14-12[Serve: Smeltzer,Tynley] Service ace by Smeltzer,Tynley (Reception Error: O'Laughlin,Shannon). S:CoC P:CoC
Timeout by Elon. S:CoC
14-13[Serve: Smeltzer,Tynley] Kill by Lanier,Cameron (assist from Schall,Annabelle). S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Berlekamp,Caroline.
ELO sub in: Doyle,Caroline.
15-13[Serve: Doyle,Caroline] Kill by Dykes,Emily (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Appleman,Emma.
16-13[Serve: Appleman,Emma] Attack error by Lanier,Cameron. S:CoC P:CoC
16-14[Serve: Appleman,Emma] Kill by Kasten,Keira (assist from Schall,Annabelle). S:CoC P:ELO
16-15[Serve: Lanier,Cameron] Attack error by Holland,Allie. S:ELO P:ELO
17-15[Serve: Lanier,Cameron] Kill by Smith,Anna (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Angell,Olivia.
18-15[Serve: Angell,Olivia] Service ace by Angell,Olivia. S:CoC P:CoC
19-15[Serve: Angell,Olivia] Kill by Holland,Allie (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:CoC P:CoC
Timeout by Elon. S:CoC
19-16[Serve: Angell,Olivia] Kill by Kasten,Keira (assist from Schall,Annabelle). S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Love,Sydney.
ELO sub in: Brower,Casey.
20-16[Serve: Brower,Casey] Attack error by Lanier,Cameron. S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Callahan,Caitlyn.
20-17[Serve: Holland,Allie] Kill by Love,Sydney (assist from Schall,Annabelle). S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Rucker,Catherine.
CoC sub in: Smeltzer,Tynley.
20-18[Serve: Berlekamp,Caroline] Attack error by Banitt,Emily. S:ELO P:ELO
Timeout by Col. of Charleston. S:ELO
20-19[Serve: Berlekamp,Caroline] Service ace by Berlekamp,Caroline (Reception Error: Angell,Olivia). S:ELO P:ELO
21-19[Serve: Berlekamp,Caroline] Kill by Banitt,Emily (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:ELO P:CoC
ELO sub in: Doyle,Caroline.
CoC sub in: Dykes,Emily.
21-20[Serve: Scott,Hannah] Attack error by Banitt,Emily. S:CoC P:ELO
22-20[Serve: Schall,Annabelle] Kill by Dykes,Emily (assist from Scott,Hannah). S:ELO P:CoC
CoC sub in: Smith,Anna.
23-20[Serve: Banitt,Emily] Block Assist by Callahan,Caitlyn; Dykes,Emily (Attack error by Love,Sydney). S:CoC P:CoC
23-21[Serve: Banitt,Emily] Kill by Love,Sydney (assist from Schall,Annabelle). S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: O'Laughlin,Shannon.
24-21[Serve: O'Laughlin,Shannon] Kill by Dykes,Emily (assist from Scott,Hannah). -- SET POINT. S:ELO P:CoC
24-22[Serve: Smeltzer,Tynley] Attack error by Holland,Allie. -- SET POINT. S:CoC P:ELO
ELO sub in: Berlekamp,Caroline.
ELO sub in: Doyle,Caroline.
ELO sub in: Kasten,Keira.
25-22[Serve: Doyle,Caroline] Attack error by Lanier,Cameron. -- SET COL. OF CHARLESTON. S:ELO P:CoC