Indiana Area
Holy Ghost Prep

June 13, 2024
Medlar Field at LP (University Park, Pa.)


Official Box Score - Final
Indiana Area at Holy Ghost Prep
6/13/2024 at Medlar Field at LP (University Park, Pa.)

Indiana Area 5 (16-11)

7 Cosentinopr010000000
Holy Ghost Prep 6 (16-8)

15 Farrellpr000000000
27 Hubbardph111000000

Score by Innings1234567RHELOB
Indiana Area1001300 5727
Holy Ghost Prep0110121 6817

E - Birch ; Okopal ; Novak ; DP - Indiana Area 0; Holy Ghost Prep 0.
RBI - McGee ; Ryan 2 ; Manzi 2 ; Keaser ; Bergkoetter 2 ; Riendeau ; Evans ; 2B - Riendeau ; 3B - Evans ; HR - Ryan 2 ; IBB - Ryan 2 ; KL - McGee ; Amati ; Riendeau ; Novak 2 ; HBP - Shank ; Keaser 2 ; Rosado ; SH - Birch 2 ; SF - McGee ; Keaser ; LOB - Indiana Area 7; Holy Ghost Prep 7.

11Minnick 4.013235191369
9Okopal 2.173302141345

25Lucas 4.265222231977
4McNab 2.11001110723

Win - McNab(0-0). Loss - Okopal(0-0). Save - None.
WP - Lucas ; HB - Minnick 3 ; McNab ; BK - Okopal ; SFA - Okopal ; Lucas ;
Inherited runners/scored - Okopal 1/1; McNab 2/0; Groundouts/Flyouts - Minnick 5/1; Okopal 0/5; Lucas 3/9; McNab 6/0; PItches/strikes - Minnick 69/39; Okopal 45/28; Lucas 77/52; McNab 23/15;

Umpires - HP: ; 1B: ; 2B: ; 3B: .
Start: 2:30 pm. Duration: 2:23. Attendance: 0
Weather: 81, sunny

Play By Play (Full) - Final
Indiana Area at Holy Ghost Prep
6/13/2024 at Medlar Field at LP (University Park, Pa.)

Score by Innings1234567RHELOB
Indiana Area1001300 5727
Holy Ghost Prep0110121 6817

Indiana Area starters:
4/2b/Smith; 2/ss/McGee; 12/3b/Ryan; 21/dh/Martin; 38/1b/Manzi; 18/rf/Collinger; 5/cf/Homer; 24/c/Shank; 14/lf/Birch; 11/p/Minnick;

Holy Ghost Prep starters:
7/ss/Keaser; 5/cf/Rosado; 17/1b/Amati; 3/lf/Bergkoetter; 26/3b/Davis; 22/dh/Riendeau; 6/c/Baker; 24/2b/Novak; 1/rf/Evans; 25/p/Lucas;

1st Inning
Top of 1st - INDIANA batting
No play.
Smith fouled out to 1b (0-0).
McGee popped up to 1b (1-2 FFB).
Ryan homered to left field, RBI (2-1 BBS).
Martin grounded out to 1b unassisted (0-0).

Bottom of 1st - HGP batting
Keaser fouled out to 1b (2-0 BB).
Rosado grounded out to ss (2-2 KFBFBF).
Amati struck out looking (0-2 KKK).

This InningRHEL
2nd Inning
Top of 2nd - INDIANA batting
Manzi popped up to 2b (0-0).
Collinger singled to left field (2-2 BKSBFFF).
Homer struck out swinging (1-2 BSSS).
Collinger advanced to second on a wild pitch.
Shank fouled out to 1b (1-2 BFF).

Bottom of 2nd - HGP batting
Bergkoetter struck out swinging, out at first c to p to 1b (1-2 BFKS).
Davis grounded out to ss (0-2 KF).
Riendeau walked (3-2 SSBBBB).
Baker reached on a fielding error by lf, advanced to second (0-0); Riendeau scored, unearned.
Novak struck out looking (0-2 KSK).

This InningRHEL
3rd Inning
Top of 3rd - INDIANA batting
Birch grounded out to 1b unassisted (1-0 B).
Smith flied out to cf (3-2 BBKBF).
McGee flied out to cf (0-0).

Bottom of 3rd - HGP batting
Evans grounded out to ss (1-0 B).
Keaser hit by pitch (2-0 BB).
Rosado hit by pitch (0-0); Keaser advanced to second.
Amati walked (3-2 KBBBKFB); Rosado advanced to second; Keaser advanced to third.
Bergkoetter singled through the right side, RBI (3-2 BBKBK); Amati advanced to second; Rosado advanced to third; Keaser scored.
Davis reached on a fielder's choice (3-1 BBBK); Bergkoetter advanced to second; Amati advanced to third; Rosado out at home 3b to c.
Riendeau struck out swinging (0-2 FKS).

This InningRHEL
4th Inning
Top of 4th - INDIANA batting
Ryan homered to left field, RBI (0-0).
Martin struck out swinging (3-2 BSKBBS).
Manzi lined out to 2b (1-2 KBF).
Collinger singled to left field (0-2 FFF).
Homer flied out to rf (1-1 BF).

Bottom of 4th - HGP batting
Baker walked (3-1 BBBKB).
Farrell pinch ran for Baker.
Novak struck out looking (0-2 FFK).
Evans reached on a fielder's choice, out at second p to ss (1-0 B); Farrell out at second p to 2b.

This InningRHEL
5th Inning
Top of 5th - INDIANA batting
Baker to c for Farrell.
Shank reached on a fielding error by 2b (2-1 BKB).
Cosentino pinch ran for Shank.
Birch grounded out to 3b, SAC, bunt (0-1 F); Cosentino advanced to second.
Smith singled to left field (0-2 FF); Cosentino advanced to third.
McGee flied out to cf, SF, RBI (0-1 F); Cosentino scored, unearned.
Ryan intentionally walked; Smith advanced to second.
Martin walked (3-0 BBBB); Ryan advanced to second; Smith advanced to third.
Manzi singled to left field, 2 RBI (3-2 BFBSB); Martin advanced to second; Ryan scored, unearned; Smith scored, unearned.
McNab to p for Lucas.
Collinger grounded out to 2b (0-0).

Bottom of 5th - HGP batting
Shank to c for Cosentino.
Keaser hit by pitch (0-1 K).
Okopal to p for Minnick.
Rosado singled up the middle (0-1 F); Keaser advanced to second.
Amati fouled out to c, bunt (1-0 B).
Rosado advanced to second on a balk; Keaser advanced to third.
Bergkoetter singled to shortstop, RBI (2-2 FBBF); Rosado advanced to third; Keaser scored.
Bergkoetter stole second.
Davis struck out swinging (3-2 KKBBBS).
Riendeau struck out looking (2-2 BSFBK).

This InningRHEL
6th Inning
Top of 6th - INDIANA batting
Homer grounded out to 3b (1-1 BF).
Shank hit by pitch (1-1 BK).
Cosentino pinch ran for Shank.
Birch grounded out to p, SAC, bunt (1-1 BK); Cosentino advanced to second.
Smith grounded out to ss (2-1 BBK).

Bottom of 6th - HGP batting
Shank to c for Cosentino.
Baker lined out to 3b (1-1 BK).
Hubbard pinch hit for Novak.
Hubbard singled up the middle (3-2 KBBKB).
Hubbard advanced to second on a throwing error by p.
Evans tripled to center field, RBI (0-0); Hubbard scored.
Keaser flied out to cf, SF, RBI (1-0 B); Evans scored.
Rosado singled through the right side (1-0 B).
Amati popped up to 3b (0-1 K).

This InningRHEL
7th Inning
Top of 7th - INDIANA batting
Novak to 2b for Hubbard.
McGee struck out looking (1-2 KBFK).
Ryan intentionally walked.
Martin reached on a fielder's choice (1-1 BF); Ryan out at second ss to 2b.
Manzi singled to right field (0-0); Martin advanced to third.
Collinger reached on a fielder's choice (0-0); Manzi out at second ss unassisted.

Bottom of 7th - HGP batting
Bergkoetter flied out to cf (1-1 KB).
Davis singled to left center (2-0 BB).
Riendeau doubled to left field, RBI (0-0); Davis scored.

This InningRHEL

Scoring Innings - Final
Indiana Area at Holy Ghost Prep
6/13/2024 at Medlar Field at LP (University Park, Pa.)

Score by Innings1234567RHELOB
Indiana Area1001300 5727
Holy Ghost Prep0110121 6817

Indiana Area starters:
4/2b/Smith; 2/ss/McGee; 12/3b/Ryan; 21/dh/Martin; 38/1b/Manzi; 18/rf/Collinger; 5/cf/Homer; 24/c/Shank; 14/lf/Birch; 11/p/Minnick;

Holy Ghost Prep starters:
7/ss/Keaser; 5/cf/Rosado; 17/1b/Amati; 3/lf/Bergkoetter; 26/3b/Davis; 22/dh/Riendeau; 6/c/Baker; 24/2b/Novak; 1/rf/Evans; 25/p/Lucas;

Top of 1st - INDIANA batting
No play.
Smith fouled out to 1b (0-0).
McGee popped up to 1b (1-2 FFB).
Ryan homered to left field, RBI (2-1 BBS).
Martin grounded out to 1b unassisted (0-0).
1 R, 1 H, 0 E, 0 LOB.

Bottom of 2nd - HGP batting
Bergkoetter struck out swinging, out at first c to p to 1b (1-2 BFKS).
Davis grounded out to ss (0-2 KF).
Riendeau walked (3-2 SSBBBB).
Baker reached on a fielding error by lf, advanced to second (0-0); Riendeau scored, unearned.
Novak struck out looking (0-2 KSK).
1 R, 0 H, 1 E, 1 LOB.

Bottom of 3rd - HGP batting
Evans grounded out to ss (1-0 B).
Keaser hit by pitch (2-0 BB).
Rosado hit by pitch (0-0); Keaser advanced to second.
Amati walked (3-2 KBBBKFB); Rosado advanced to second; Keaser advanced to third.
Bergkoetter singled through the right side, RBI (3-2 BBKBK); Amati advanced to second; Rosado advanced to third; Keaser scored.
Davis reached on a fielder's choice (3-1 BBBK); Bergkoetter advanced to second; Amati advanced to third; Rosado out at home 3b to c.
Riendeau struck out swinging (0-2 FKS).
1 R, 1 H, 0 E, 3 LOB.

Top of 4th - INDIANA batting
Ryan homered to left field, RBI (0-0).
Martin struck out swinging (3-2 BSKBBS).
Manzi lined out to 2b (1-2 KBF).
Collinger singled to left field (0-2 FFF).
Homer flied out to rf (1-1 BF).
1 R, 2 H, 0 E, 1 LOB.

Top of 5th - INDIANA batting
Baker to c for Farrell.
Shank reached on a fielding error by 2b (2-1 BKB).
Cosentino pinch ran for Shank.
Birch grounded out to 3b, SAC, bunt (0-1 F); Cosentino advanced to second.
Smith singled to left field (0-2 FF); Cosentino advanced to third.
McGee flied out to cf, SF, RBI (0-1 F); Cosentino scored, unearned.
Ryan intentionally walked; Smith advanced to second.
Martin walked (3-0 BBBB); Ryan advanced to second; Smith advanced to third.
Manzi singled to left field, 2 RBI (3-2 BFBSB); Martin advanced to second; Ryan scored, unearned; Smith scored, unearned.
McNab to p for Lucas.
Collinger grounded out to 2b (0-0).
3 R, 2 H, 1 E, 2 LOB.

Bottom of 5th - HGP batting
Shank to c for Cosentino.
Keaser hit by pitch (0-1 K).
Okopal to p for Minnick.
Rosado singled up the middle (0-1 F); Keaser advanced to second.
Amati fouled out to c, bunt (1-0 B).
Rosado advanced to second on a balk; Keaser advanced to third.
Bergkoetter singled to shortstop, RBI (2-2 FBBF); Rosado advanced to third; Keaser scored.
Bergkoetter stole second.
Davis struck out swinging (3-2 KKBBBS).
Riendeau struck out looking (2-2 BSFBK).
1 R, 2 H, 0 E, 2 LOB.

Bottom of 6th - HGP batting
Shank to c for Cosentino.
Baker lined out to 3b (1-1 BK).
Hubbard pinch hit for Novak.
Hubbard singled up the middle (3-2 KBBKB).
Hubbard advanced to second on a throwing error by p.
Evans tripled to center field, RBI (0-0); Hubbard scored.
Keaser flied out to cf, SF, RBI (1-0 B); Evans scored.
Rosado singled through the right side (1-0 B).
Amati popped up to 3b (0-1 K).
2 R, 3 H, 1 E, 1 LOB.

Bottom of 7th - HGP batting
Bergkoetter flied out to cf (1-1 KB).
Davis singled to left center (2-0 BB).
Riendeau doubled to left field, RBI (0-0); Davis scored.
1 R, 2 H, 0 E, 1 LOB.