
June 05, 2024
Disch-Falk Field (Austin, Texas)


Official Box Score - Final
Hawley at Flatonia
6/5/2024 at Disch-Falk Field (Austin, Texas)

Hawley 4 (26-9)

18 Sykorapr000000000
17 Williamspr010000000
21Br. Newton1b/rf310001502
Flatonia 3 (28-7)

15R. Ramirez3b400002130
11 Y. Manzanopr010000000
18D. Ramirezlf/2b000000000

Score by Innings12345678RHELOB
Hawley00030001 4817
Flatonia00010020 3337

E - Siller ; Targac 2 ; R. Ramirez ; DP - Hawley 1; Flatonia 1.
RBI - Nieto ; Targac 2 ; 2B - Balch ; KL - Ernst ; Br. Newton ; Southerland ; Aguillon ; Kessler ; HBP - Daniel ; Janecka 2 ; Vincik ; Nieto ; SH - Ernst ; Br. Newton ; Toro ; CS - Romo ; GDP - Targac ; LOB - Hawley 7; Flatonia 7.

12Balch 6.2221392720114
6Southerland 0.1110014315
10Ernst 1.0000013313

10Targac 6.1631282824110
2Zimmerman 1.2211017627

Win - Southerland(3-2). Loss - Zimmerman(4-3). Save - None.
WP - Balch ; HB - Balch 3 ; Southerland ; Targac ;
Inherited runners/scored - Southerland 1/1; Zimmerman 1/0; Groundouts/Flyouts - Ernst 1/1; Balch 6/4; Southerland 0/0; Zimmerman 2/2; Targac 9/1; PItches/strikes - Ernst 13/8; Balch 114/61; Southerland 15/8; Zimmerman 27/18; Targac 110/66;

Umpires - HP: Lane Stuart; 1B: Bryant Jones; 2B: Bryan Bullion; 3B: William Bailey.
Start: 7:21 pm. Duration: 2:43. Attendance: 1713
Weather: 90, Sunny, W: ENE 6 mph

Play By Play (Full) - Final
Hawley at Flatonia
6/5/2024 at Disch-Falk Field (Austin, Texas)

Score by Innings12345678RHELOB
Hawley00030001 4817
Flatonia00010020 3337

Hawley starters:
2/lf/Romo; 10/2b/Ernst; 7/c/Ables; 12/p/Balch; 21/1b/Br. Newton; 9/3b/Nieto; 1/ss/Siller; 6/dh/Southerland; 5/cf/Daniel; 8/rf/Olney;

Flatonia starters:
2/c/Zimmerman; 4/ss/Janecka; 10/p/Targac; 12/rf/Vincik; 15/3b/R. Ramirez; 8/dh/Aguillon; 6/2b/Kessler; 20/1b/Nieto; 14/cf/Toro; 18/lf/D. Ramirez;

1st Inning
Top of 1st - HAWLEY batting
Romo struck out swinging (0-2 KSFS).
Ernst singled to center field (2-0 BB).
Ables grounded out to 3b (1-2 BFK); Ernst advanced to second.
Balch grounded out to p unassisted (0-0).

Bottom of 1st - FLATONIA batting
Zimmerman walked (3-0 BBBB).
Janecka hit by pitch (0-0); Zimmerman advanced to second.
Targac grounded into double play ss to 1b (1-2 KBK); Janecka out on the play; Zimmerman advanced to third.
Vincik grounded out to 1b unassisted (1-1 BK).

This InningRHEL
2nd Inning
Top of 2nd - HAWLEY batting
Br. Newton struck out looking (2-2 BBKKK).
Nieto grounded out to ss (1-1 BK).
Siller struck out swinging (2-2 BKSFBS).

Bottom of 2nd - FLATONIA batting
R. Ramirez struck out swinging (3-2 FBBBKS).
Aguillon grounded out to 2b (0-2 KF).
Kessler flied out to rf (2-1 BFB).

This InningRHEL
3rd Inning
Top of 3rd - HAWLEY batting
Southerland singled to left field (1-2 KBKFF).
Southerland advanced to second on a throwing error by p, failed pickoff attempt.
Daniel hit by pitch (0-2 FS).
Romo reached on a fielder's choice, bunt (1-0 B); Daniel advanced to second; Southerland out at third p to 3b.
Ernst struck out looking (3-2 BBBKKK).
Ables grounded out to 2b (0-0).

Bottom of 3rd - FLATONIA batting
Nieto walked (3-2 BKFBBB).
Toro grounded out to p, SAC, bunt (3-1 BKBB); Nieto advanced to second.
Zimmerman flied out to cf to right center (3-1 BKBB).
Janecka popped up to p (1-2 SFB).

This InningRHEL
4th Inning
Top of 4th - HAWLEY batting
Balch doubled to left center (1-1 KB).
Williams pinch ran for Balch.
Br. Newton reached on a throwing error by p, SAC, bunt; Williams scored.
Nieto singled to right field, scored on a throwing error by 3b, unearned (0-2 SK); Br. Newton advanced to third, scored on the error, unearned.
Siller struck out swinging (0-2 KSS).
Southerland lined out to cf (2-0 BB).
Daniel grounded out to 2b (3-2 SBSBFB).

Bottom of 4th - FLATONIA batting
Balch to p for Williams.
Targac singled to left field (1-0 B).
Vincik hit by pitch (0-1 F); Targac advanced to second.
R. Ramirez reached on a fielder's choice, bunt (1-1 BF); Vincik advanced to second; Targac out at third p to 3b.
Aguillon singled up the middle (0-0); R. Ramirez advanced to second; Vincik advanced to third.
Kessler struck out looking (2-2 BBKSK).
Aguillon advanced to second on a wild pitch; R. Ramirez advanced to third on a wild pitch; Vincik scored on a wild pitch.
Nieto struck out swinging (2-2 BFBSS).

This InningRHEL
5th Inning
Top of 5th - HAWLEY batting
Romo walked (3-0 BBBB).
Ernst struck out swinging (3-2 BBFBKS); Romo out at second c to ss, caught stealing.
Ables singled through the left side (1-0 B).
Sykora pinch ran for Ables.
Balch walked (3-1 BBFBB); Sykora advanced to second.
Williams pinch ran for Balch.
Br. Newton grounded out to p (1-1 BK).

Bottom of 5th - FLATONIA batting
Ables to c for Sykora.
Balch to p for Williams.
Toro struck out swinging (3-2 BKBBFS).
Zimmerman flied out to cf to left center (3-2 SBFBB).
Janecka walked (3-1 BKBBB).
Targac grounded out to 1b unassisted (0-1 K).

This InningRHEL
6th Inning
Top of 6th - HAWLEY batting
Nieto struck out swinging (2-2 BFKBS).
Siller grounded out to 2b (2-2 KBBF).
Southerland struck out looking (3-2 BBKFBK).

Bottom of 6th - FLATONIA batting
Vincik struck out swinging (0-2 KFFS).
R. Ramirez struck out swinging (2-2 BFKBS).
Aguillon struck out looking (1-2 KBFK).

This InningRHEL
7th Inning
Top of 7th - HAWLEY batting
Daniel singled up the middle (2-2 SBBF).
Romo reached on a fielder's choice (2-2 BFSBF); Daniel out at second 3b to 2b.
Zimmerman to p.
Janecka to c.
Targac to cf.
Vincik to lf.
Kessler to ss.
Toro to rf.
D. Ramirez to 2b.
Ernst grounded out to p, SAC, bunt (1-1 BK); Romo advanced to second.
Ables flied out to cf (1-2 BKS).

Bottom of 7th - FLATONIA batting
Kessler struck out swinging (3-2 SKBBBS).
Nieto hit by pitch (3-2 BKKBBF).
Y. Manzano pinch ran for Nieto.
Toro struck out swinging (3-2 SBBBKS).
Balch to 1b.
Br. Newton to rf.
Southerland to p.
/ for Olney.
Zimmerman reached on a fielding error by ss (3-2 BFBFB); Y. Manzano advanced to second.
Janecka hit by pitch (0-0); Zimmerman advanced to second; Y. Manzano advanced to third.
Targac singled to left field, 2 RBI (0-1 K); Janecka advanced to second; Zimmerman scored, unearned; Y. Manzano scored, unearned.
Vincik struck out swinging (3-2 BBKBKS).

This InningRHEL
8th Inning
Top of 8th - HAWLEY batting
Nieto to 1b for Y. Manzano.
Balch singled to second base (2-1 BBF).
Br. Newton grounded out to 3b (3-2 BBKFB); Balch advanced to second.
Nieto singled to right field, RBI (1-0 B); Balch scored.
Siller struck out swinging (0-2 FSS).
Southerland flied out to cf to right center (1-2 KBKF).

Bottom of 8th - FLATONIA batting
Ernst to p.
Southerland to 2b.
R. Ramirez flied out to ss (2-0 BB).
Aguillon grounded out to ss (1-1 KB).
Kessler struck out swinging (2-2 KBKFBFS).

This InningRHEL

Scoring Innings - Final
Hawley at Flatonia
6/5/2024 at Disch-Falk Field (Austin, Texas)

Score by Innings12345678RHELOB
Hawley00030001 4817
Flatonia00010020 3337

Hawley starters:
2/lf/Romo; 10/2b/Ernst; 7/c/Ables; 12/p/Balch; 21/1b/Br. Newton; 9/3b/Nieto; 1/ss/Siller; 6/dh/Southerland; 5/cf/Daniel; 8/rf/Olney;

Flatonia starters:
2/c/Zimmerman; 4/ss/Janecka; 10/p/Targac; 12/rf/Vincik; 15/3b/R. Ramirez; 8/dh/Aguillon; 6/2b/Kessler; 20/1b/Nieto; 14/cf/Toro; 18/lf/D. Ramirez;

Top of 4th - HAWLEY batting
Balch doubled to left center (1-1 KB).
Williams pinch ran for Balch.
Br. Newton reached on a throwing error by p, SAC, bunt; Williams scored.
Nieto singled to right field, scored on a throwing error by 3b, unearned (0-2 SK); Br. Newton advanced to third, scored on the error, unearned.
Siller struck out swinging (0-2 KSS).
Southerland lined out to cf (2-0 BB).
Daniel grounded out to 2b (3-2 SBSBFB).
3 R, 2 H, 2 E, 0 LOB.

Bottom of 4th - FLATONIA batting
Balch to p for Williams.
Targac singled to left field (1-0 B).
Vincik hit by pitch (0-1 F); Targac advanced to second.
R. Ramirez reached on a fielder's choice, bunt (1-1 BF); Vincik advanced to second; Targac out at third p to 3b.
Aguillon singled up the middle (0-0); R. Ramirez advanced to second; Vincik advanced to third.
Kessler struck out looking (2-2 BBKSK).
Aguillon advanced to second on a wild pitch; R. Ramirez advanced to third on a wild pitch; Vincik scored on a wild pitch.
Nieto struck out swinging (2-2 BFBSS).
1 R, 2 H, 0 E, 2 LOB.

Bottom of 7th - FLATONIA batting
Kessler struck out swinging (3-2 SKBBBS).
Nieto hit by pitch (3-2 BKKBBF).
Y. Manzano pinch ran for Nieto.
Toro struck out swinging (3-2 SBBBKS).
Balch to 1b.
Br. Newton to rf.
Southerland to p.
/ for Olney.
Zimmerman reached on a fielding error by ss (3-2 BFBFB); Y. Manzano advanced to second.
Janecka hit by pitch (0-0); Zimmerman advanced to second; Y. Manzano advanced to third.
Targac singled to left field, 2 RBI (0-1 K); Janecka advanced to second; Zimmerman scored, unearned; Y. Manzano scored, unearned.
Vincik struck out swinging (3-2 BBKBKS).
2 R, 1 H, 1 E, 2 LOB.

Top of 8th - HAWLEY batting
Nieto to 1b for Y. Manzano.
Balch singled to second base (2-1 BBF).
Br. Newton grounded out to 3b (3-2 BBKFB); Balch advanced to second.
Nieto singled to right field, RBI (1-0 B); Balch scored.
Siller struck out swinging (0-2 FSS).
Southerland flied out to cf to right center (1-2 KBKF).
1 R, 2 H, 0 E, 1 LOB.