#18 Angelo State
Texas Permian Basin
LSC Baseball Tournament

May 10, 2024
Hays Field (Lubbock, Texa)


Official Box Score - Final
Angelo State at Texas Permian Basin
5/10/2024 at Hays Field (Lubbock, Texa)

Angelo State 0 (36-18)

18T. Tredaway1b303010700
8J. Guerrerolf400001203
32T. Clarkc402000710
12C. Sandsdh400001002
35W. Valasekcf302000200
16K. Kelton3b400000002
17H. Holtrf401000200
2R. McDaniel2b300010210
41J. Harrisss300011252
Texas Permian Basin 3 (33-22)


Score by Innings123456789RHELOB
Angelo State000000000 0809
Texas Permian Basin01002000X 3817

E - COATS ; DP - Angelo State 0; Texas Permian Basin 3.
RBI - PENA ; RIGTRUP ; MATTHEWS ; 2B - T. Clark (21) ; FLODSTROM ; 3B - COATS ; KL - J. Harris ; FLODSTROM ; HBP - W. Valasek (30) ; MATTHEWS ; SF - RIGTRUP ; CS - PENA ; GDP - J. Guerrero 2 ; R. McDaniel ; LOB - Angelo State 9; Texas Permian Basin 7.

20D. Dathe 4.173324222087
26J. Stacy 0.2100002116
27A. Teel 2.0000027624
7C. Heuertz 1.000001339

28BARTH 7.0500222724107
23ADAMS 1.0200004419
22JOHNSTON 1.0100115426

Win - BARTH(6-4). Loss - D. Dathe(8-3). Save - JOHNSTON (2).
WP - D. Dathe (4) ; BARTH ; HB - A. Teel (6) ; BARTH ; SFA - J. Stacy ;
Inherited runners/scored - J. Stacy 2/2; Groundouts/Flyouts - D. Dathe 3/6; J. Stacy 0/1; A. Teel 3/1; C. Heuertz 1/1; BARTH 7/10; ADAMS 2/0; JOHNSTON 2/0; PItches/strikes - D. Dathe 87/57; J. Stacy 16/9; A. Teel 24/16; C. Heuertz 9/7; BARTH 107/66; ADAMS 19/10; JOHNSTON 26/16;

Umpires - HP: Corbin Smith; 1B: Matt Herrera; 2B: Drew Eaton; 3B: Courtney Lowrance.
Start: 11 a.m.. Duration: 2:37. Attendance: 96
Weather: 67deg, 15mph wind in from RCF

Play By Play (Full) - Final
Angelo State at Texas Permian Basin
5/10/2024 at Hays Field (Lubbock, Texa)

Score by Innings123456789RHELOB
Angelo State000000000 0809
Texas Permian Basin01002000X 3817

Angelo State starters:
18/1b/T. Tredaway; 8/lf/J. Guerrero; 32/c/T. Clark; 12/dh/C. Sands; 35/cf/W. Valasek; 16/3b/K. Kelton; 17/rf/H. Holt; 2/2b/R. McDaniel; 41/ss/J. Harris; 20/p/D. Dathe;

Texas Permian Basin starters:
11/lf/HAGGERTY; 4/ss/HAMLIN; 26/rf/FLODSTROM; 32/1b/HALL; 16/3b/PENA; 17/dh/RIGTRUP; 14/c/COATS; 21/cf/MATTHEWS; 18/2b/JOHNSON; 28/p/BARTH;

1st Inning
Top of 1st - ASU batting
T. Tredaway singled to center field (2-2 KBFB).
J. Guerrero grounded into double play ss to 2b to 1b (0-1 F); T. Tredaway out on the play.
T. Clark singled to center field (1-0 B).
T. Clark stole second, advanced to third on an error by c.
C. Sands popped up to 2b (2-1 KBB).

Bottom of 1st - UTPB batting
HAGGERTY walked (3-2 KBBFFBB).
HAMLIN struck out swinging (2-2 KFBBFS).
FLODSTROM doubled to left field, ground-rule (1-0 B); HAGGERTY advanced to third.
HALL struck out swinging (2-2 BSBFS).
PENA walked (3-2 FFBBBB).
RIGTRUP flied out to lf (2-1 BBF).

This InningRHEL
2nd Inning
Top of 2nd - ASU batting
W. Valasek grounded out to 2b (3-2 KFBFBBF).
K. Kelton lined out to 2b (2-2 BBKF).
H. Holt grounded out to ss (0-0).

Bottom of 2nd - UTPB batting
COATS tripled down the rf line (2-2 KBFB).
MATTHEWS singled through the right side, RBI (0-1 F); COATS scored.
MATTHEWS stole second.
JOHNSON flied out to rf (2-2 BFKFB).
HAGGERTY fouled out to lf (1-0 B).
HAMLIN flied out to cf (3-2 KBBBSF).

This InningRHEL
3rd Inning
Top of 3rd - ASU batting
R. McDaniel grounded out to 2b (1-0 B).
J. Harris flied out to cf (0-1 K).
T. Tredaway singled to second base (0-0).
J. Guerrero flied out to rf (2-1 KBB).

Bottom of 3rd - UTPB batting
FLODSTROM struck out looking (2-2 FBBFFK).
HALL popped up to 2b (2-0 BB).
PENA grounded out to 2b (0-1 F).

This InningRHEL
4th Inning
Top of 4th - ASU batting
T. Clark grounded out to 2b (2-2 KBSB).
C. Sands struck out swinging (3-2 KBBBKS).
W. Valasek hit by pitch (1-2 BKF).
W. Valasek stole second.
K. Kelton flied out to cf (2-1 BFB).

Bottom of 4th - UTPB batting
RIGTRUP flied out to rf (0-0).
COATS singled through the left side (1-2 BKF).
MATTHEWS singled to left center (0-0); COATS advanced to second.
JOHNSON struck out swinging (0-2 KSS); COATS advanced to third on a wild pitch.
HAGGERTY grounded out to 1b unassisted (0-2 KS).

This InningRHEL
5th Inning
Top of 5th - ASU batting
H. Holt singled to center field (1-1 BF).
R. McDaniel grounded into double play 2b to ss to 1b (1-1 KB); H. Holt out on the play.
J. Harris walked (3-1 BBBKB).
J. Harris stole second.
T. Tredaway walked (3-2 BKSBBB).
T. Tredaway advanced to second on a wild pitch; J. Harris advanced to third.
J. Guerrero struck out swinging (2-2 BFFBFS).

Bottom of 5th - UTPB batting
HAMLIN grounded out to ss (0-1 F).
FLODSTROM singled through the left side (2-2 FBBF).
HALL singled to center field (0-2 KF); FLODSTROM advanced to second.
J. Stacy to p for D. Dathe.
PENA singled up the middle, RBI (1-2 BSFFFFF); HALL advanced to second, advanced to third on the throw; FLODSTROM scored.
RIGTRUP flied out to cf, SAC, RBI (2-1 KBB); HALL scored.
PENA out at second c to ss, caught stealing.

This InningRHEL
6th Inning
Top of 6th - ASU batting
T. Clark grounded out to 3b (2-1 BBK).
C. Sands flied out to rf (2-2 BFBFF).
W. Valasek singled through the right side (0-1 K).
K. Kelton flied out to cf (0-0).

Bottom of 6th - UTPB batting
A. Teel to p for J. Stacy.
COATS grounded out to ss (2-1 BBK).
MATTHEWS hit by pitch (1-1 BF).
JOHNSON reached on a fielder's choice (0-1 K); MATTHEWS out at second ss to 2b.
HAGGERTY popped up to ss (1-2 KKB).

This InningRHEL
7th Inning
Top of 7th - ASU batting
H. Holt lined out to 2b (0-2 KF).
R. McDaniel flied out to cf (2-1 KBB).
J. Harris flied out to lf (1-1 KB).

Bottom of 7th - UTPB batting
HAMLIN struck out swinging (0-2 KKS).
FLODSTROM struck out swinging (3-2 BBSFBS).
HALL grounded out to ss (0-0).

This InningRHEL
8th Inning
Top of 8th - ASU batting
ADAMS to p for BARTH.
T. Tredaway singled to left center (2-2 BKKB).
J. Guerrero grounded into double play 3b to 2b to 1b (3-1 BBKB); T. Tredaway out on the play.
T. Clark doubled down the rf line (1-2 KKB).
C. Sands grounded out to ss (3-1 BBKB).

Bottom of 8th - UTPB batting
C. Heuertz to p for A. Teel.
PENA lined out to 1b (1-0 B).
RIGTRUP struck out swinging (0-2 KSS).
COATS grounded out to ss (1-2 FFB).

This InningRHEL
9th Inning
Top of 9th - ASU batting
W. Valasek singled through the right side (1-1 BK).
K. Kelton grounded out to 3b (1-2 KFFBFF); W. Valasek advanced to second.
H. Holt grounded out to 2b (1-1 KB); W. Valasek advanced to third.
R. McDaniel walked (3-2 BKBBKB).
J. Harris struck out looking (3-2 BBFKFBK).

This InningRHEL

Scoring Innings - Final
Angelo State at Texas Permian Basin
5/10/2024 at Hays Field (Lubbock, Texa)

Score by Innings123456789RHELOB
Angelo State000000000 0809
Texas Permian Basin01002000X 3817

Angelo State starters:
18/1b/T. Tredaway; 8/lf/J. Guerrero; 32/c/T. Clark; 12/dh/C. Sands; 35/cf/W. Valasek; 16/3b/K. Kelton; 17/rf/H. Holt; 2/2b/R. McDaniel; 41/ss/J. Harris; 20/p/D. Dathe;

Texas Permian Basin starters:
11/lf/HAGGERTY; 4/ss/HAMLIN; 26/rf/FLODSTROM; 32/1b/HALL; 16/3b/PENA; 17/dh/RIGTRUP; 14/c/COATS; 21/cf/MATTHEWS; 18/2b/JOHNSON; 28/p/BARTH;

Bottom of 2nd - UTPB batting
COATS tripled down the rf line (2-2 KBFB).
MATTHEWS singled through the right side, RBI (0-1 F); COATS scored.
MATTHEWS stole second.
JOHNSON flied out to rf (2-2 BFKFB).
HAGGERTY fouled out to lf (1-0 B).
HAMLIN flied out to cf (3-2 KBBBSF).
1 R, 2 H, 0 E, 1 LOB.

Bottom of 5th - UTPB batting
HAMLIN grounded out to ss (0-1 F).
FLODSTROM singled through the left side (2-2 FBBF).
HALL singled to center field (0-2 KF); FLODSTROM advanced to second.
J. Stacy to p for D. Dathe.
PENA singled up the middle, RBI (1-2 BSFFFFF); HALL advanced to second, advanced to third on the throw; FLODSTROM scored.
RIGTRUP flied out to cf, SAC, RBI (2-1 KBB); HALL scored.
PENA out at second c to ss, caught stealing.
2 R, 3 H, 0 E, 0 LOB.