Univ. of Evansville
2024 MVC Baseball Championship

May 24, 2024
GAB Field @The Braun (Evansville, Ind.)


Official Box Score - Final
UIC at Univ. of Evansville
5/24/2024 at GAB Field @The Braun (Evansville, Ind.)

UIC 1 (35-19)

10 SNYDERph100001000
16 HENKLEph100000000
Univ. of Evansville 12 (33-23)


Score by Innings1234567RHELOB
UIC0000010 1306
Univ. of Evansville0100110X 121102

DP - UIC 2; Univ. of Evansville 0.
RBI - EWELL (70) ; Fougerousse (54) ; Hug 2 (27) ; Widder 3 (49) ; Hord 2 (41) ; McGinnis (27) ; Taubert 3 (47) ; 2B - EWELL (21) ; Scherry (14) ; Fougerousse 2 (22) ; Widder (18) ; Hord (19) ; McGinnis 2 (15) ; Taubert (21) ; HR - Hord (9) ; Taubert (9) ; KL - COLON ; Scherry ; Widder ; HBP - TAYLOR (8) ; Shallenberge 2 (26) ; SF - Hug (2) ; GDP - Shallenberge ; Widder ; LOB - UIC 6; Univ. of Evansville 2.

20B. BAK 5.055534221884
45LYONS 0.1566007628
31WHITE 0.2111013213

42Schultz 6.031135252187
10Kressin 1.0000013312

Win - Schultz(5-2). Loss - B. BAK(4-3). Save - None.
HB - B. BAK (4) ; LYONS (10) ; Schultz (5) ; SFA - WHITE ;
Inherited runners/scored - LYONS 3/3; WHITE 2/2; Groundouts/Flyouts - B. BAK 6/3; LYONS 1/0; WHITE 0/1; Schultz 7/6; Kressin 0/2; PItches/strikes - B. BAK 84/52; LYONS 28/18; WHITE 13/8; Schultz 87/53; Kressin 12/7;

Umpires - HP: Wayne Harris; 1B: Jason Stidham; 2B: Matt Anderson; 3B: Josh Nolan.
Start: 11:05 AM. Duration: 1:58. Attendance: 927
Weather: Sunny, 78 Wind: Out 5-10 MPH

Play By Play (Full) - Final
UIC at Univ. of Evansville
5/24/2024 at GAB Field @The Braun (Evansville, Ind.)

Score by Innings1234567RHELOB
UIC0000010 1306
Univ. of Evansville0100110X 121102

UIC starters:
5/lf/COLON; 7/ss/ZIELINSKI; 3/rf/EWELL; 9/2b/NAGELBACH; 25/1b/NICOLOUDES; 11/3b/TAYLOR; 22/c/BESSETTE; 6/dh/PETERSEN; 1/cf/KAY; 20/p/B. BAK;

Univ. of Evansville starters:
9/ss/Scherry; 32/lf/Shallenberge; 18/dh/Fougerousse; 11/1b/Hug; 3/3b/Widder; 0/c/Hord; 7/2b/McGinnis; 21/rf/Taubert; 2/cf/Rumsey; 42/p/Schultz;

1st Inning
Top of 1st - UIC batting
COLON struck out swinging (3-2).
ZIELINSKI singled through the left side (1-1).
EWELL struck out swinging (2-2).
NAGELBACH grounded out to p.

Bottom of 1st - UE batting
Scherry walked (3-2).
Shallenberge grounded into double play 2b to ss to 1b (1-1); Scherry out on the play.
Fougerousse fouled out to rf (0-0).

This InningRHEL
2nd Inning
Top of 2nd - UIC batting
NICOLOUDES grounded out to ss (0-2).
TAYLOR flied out to cf (1-2).
BESSETTE walked (3-1).
PETERSEN reached on a fielder's choice (1-2); BESSETTE out at second 2b unassisted.

Bottom of 2nd - UE batting
Hug walked (3-2).
Widder grounded into double play 3b to 2b to 1b (0-1); Hug out on the play.
Hord doubled down the lf line (2-1).
McGinnis doubled to right field, RBI (1-0); Hord scored.
Taubert struck out swinging (2-2).

This InningRHEL
3rd Inning
Top of 3rd - UIC batting
KAY grounded out to 2b (1-0).
COLON popped up to 3b (1-0).
ZIELINSKI flied out to rf (2-1).

Bottom of 3rd - UE batting
Rumsey popped up to 2b to right field (3-2).
Scherry lined out to 2b (1-1).
Shallenberge grounded out to 1b unassisted (3-2).

This InningRHEL
4th Inning
Top of 4th - UIC batting
EWELL walked (3-1).
NAGELBACH grounded out to 2b (0-1); EWELL advanced to second.
NICOLOUDES flied out to cf (0-1).
TAYLOR flied out to cf (1-0).

Bottom of 4th - UE batting
Fougerousse grounded out to 3b (0-0).
Hug grounded out to ss (0-2).
Widder struck out looking (1-2).

This InningRHEL
5th Inning
Top of 5th - UIC batting
BESSETTE grounded out to ss (0-1).
PETERSEN grounded out to 3b (1-1).
KAY struck out swinging (2-2).

Bottom of 5th - UE batting
Hord struck out swinging (0-2).
McGinnis doubled to left center (0-0).
Taubert doubled down the lf line, RBI (0-0); McGinnis scored.
Rumsey grounded out to 2b (0-1); Taubert advanced to third.
Scherry struck out looking (3-2).

This InningRHEL
6th Inning
Top of 6th - UIC batting
COLON struck out looking (0-2).
ZIELINSKI singled through the right side (1-0).
EWELL doubled to right center, RBI (0-2); ZIELINSKI scored.
NAGELBACH flied out to rf (0-1).
NICOLOUDES walked (3-0).
TAYLOR hit by pitch (2-2); NICOLOUDES advanced to second; EWELL advanced to third.
BESSETTE struck out swinging (2-2).

Bottom of 6th - UE batting
Shallenberge hit by pitch (0-0).
Fougerousse doubled to left center (2-0); Shallenberge advanced to third.
Hug walked (3-1).
LYONS to p for B. BAK.
Widder doubled to left center, 3 RBI (3-1); Hug scored; Fougerousse scored; Shallenberge scored.
Hord homered to left field, 2 RBI (0-2); Widder scored.
McGinnis singled, bunt (0-0).
McGinnis stole second.
Taubert homered down the lf line, 2 RBI (1-2); McGinnis scored.
Rumsey grounded out to 2b (3-2).
Scherry doubled down the lf line (0-0).
Shallenberge hit by pitch (2-2).
WHITE to p for LYONS.
Fougerousse doubled down the rf line, RBI (0-2); Shallenberge advanced to third; Scherry scored.
Hug flied out to cf, SF, 2 RBI (2-0); Fougerousse scored; Shallenberge scored.
Widder struck out swinging (3-2).

This InningRHEL
7th Inning
Top of 7th - UIC batting
Kressin to p for Schultz.
PETERSEN fouled out to c (3-1).
HENKLE pinch hit for KAY.
HENKLE flied out to cf (0-1).
SNYDER pinch hit for COLON.
SNYDER struck out swinging (2-2).

This InningRHEL

Scoring Innings - Final
UIC at Univ. of Evansville
5/24/2024 at GAB Field @The Braun (Evansville, Ind.)

Score by Innings1234567RHELOB
UIC0000010 1306
Univ. of Evansville0100110X 121102

UIC starters:
5/lf/COLON; 7/ss/ZIELINSKI; 3/rf/EWELL; 9/2b/NAGELBACH; 25/1b/NICOLOUDES; 11/3b/TAYLOR; 22/c/BESSETTE; 6/dh/PETERSEN; 1/cf/KAY; 20/p/B. BAK;

Univ. of Evansville starters:
9/ss/Scherry; 32/lf/Shallenberge; 18/dh/Fougerousse; 11/1b/Hug; 3/3b/Widder; 0/c/Hord; 7/2b/McGinnis; 21/rf/Taubert; 2/cf/Rumsey; 42/p/Schultz;

Bottom of 2nd - UE batting
Hug walked (3-2).
Widder grounded into double play 3b to 2b to 1b (0-1); Hug out on the play.
Hord doubled down the lf line (2-1).
McGinnis doubled to right field, RBI (1-0); Hord scored.
Taubert struck out swinging (2-2).
1 R, 2 H, 0 E, 1 LOB.

Bottom of 5th - UE batting
Hord struck out swinging (0-2).
McGinnis doubled to left center (0-0).
Taubert doubled down the lf line, RBI (0-0); McGinnis scored.
Rumsey grounded out to 2b (0-1); Taubert advanced to third.
Scherry struck out looking (3-2).
1 R, 2 H, 0 E, 1 LOB.

Top of 6th - UIC batting
COLON struck out looking (0-2).
ZIELINSKI singled through the right side (1-0).
EWELL doubled to right center, RBI (0-2); ZIELINSKI scored.
NAGELBACH flied out to rf (0-1).
NICOLOUDES walked (3-0).
TAYLOR hit by pitch (2-2); NICOLOUDES advanced to second; EWELL advanced to third.
BESSETTE struck out swinging (2-2).
1 R, 2 H, 0 E, 3 LOB.

Bottom of 6th - UE batting
Shallenberge hit by pitch (0-0).
Fougerousse doubled to left center (2-0); Shallenberge advanced to third.
Hug walked (3-1).
LYONS to p for B. BAK.
Widder doubled to left center, 3 RBI (3-1); Hug scored; Fougerousse scored; Shallenberge scored.
Hord homered to left field, 2 RBI (0-2); Widder scored.
McGinnis singled, bunt (0-0).
McGinnis stole second.
Taubert homered down the lf line, 2 RBI (1-2); McGinnis scored.
Rumsey grounded out to 2b (3-2).
Scherry doubled down the lf line (0-0).
Shallenberge hit by pitch (2-2).
WHITE to p for LYONS.
Fougerousse doubled down the rf line, RBI (0-2); Shallenberge advanced to third; Scherry scored.
Hug flied out to cf, SF, 2 RBI (2-0); Fougerousse scored; Shallenberge scored.
Widder struck out swinging (3-2).
10 R, 7 H, 0 E, 0 LOB.