Stony Brook

May 17, 2024
Friedman Diammond (Brookline, Mass.)


Official Box Score - Final
Stony Brook at Northeastern
5/17/2024 at Friedman Diammond (Brookline, Mass.)

Stony Brook 0 (24-27)

7E. Foxcf400000300
20C. Santerrerf201000200
6 C. Carsonph/rf100001000
4 M. DeStefanoph100000000
45E. Paulsendh300000000
41 J. Delanzoph000000000
40 C. Parilloph101000000
14B. Paulsen1b401001503
24J. Pilla2b301001000
19E. Goforth3b301000022
3M. Miceliss200001230
29S. Gellc200001900
34 M. Jacksonph100000000
12 N. Solorzanoc000000200
Northeastern 11 (37-15)

10A. Lanedh/lf501003003
27J. Doyle3b432100021
18 Chr. Walsh3b100001010
5J. Goodmanss423400130
44 J. Sullivanph100001000
28 Musacchiass000000000
9 Feinbergph000000000

Score by Innings123456789RHELOB
Stony Brook000000000 0615
Northeastern55010000X 111709

E - M. Miceli ; DP - Stony Brook 2; Northeastern 3.
RBI - Sirota (34) ; MacGregor 2 (77) ; J. Doyle (28) ; J. Goodman 4 (41) ; Brinker 2 (8) ; 2B - J. Pilla (13) ; Beckstein (6) ; Sirota (16) ; MacGregor 2 (28) ; J. Doyle (11) ; Brinker (3) ; HR - J. Goodman (8) ; KL - C. Carson ; J. Pilla ; M. Miceli ; Gerety ; Brinker ; Maldonado ; HBP - J. Delanzo (2) ; M. Miceli (6) ; Beckstein (34) ; MacGregor (9) ; Feinberg (5) ; GDP - E. Fox ; B. Paulsen ; S. Gell ; Beckstein ; Gerety ; LOB - Stony Brook 5; Northeastern 9.

25J. Raab 1.279804141355
31Montgomery 3.192204191968
30J. Hobb 3.01001311844

14Bowery 5.030004171759
17B. Dunham 1.0000023318
20Coniglio 1.0200005513
47Morice 1.000000324
43Car. Walsh 1.0100004311

Win - Bowery(4-1). Loss - J. Raab(4-3). Save - None.
WP - J. Raab (2) ; HB - J. Raab (4) ; J. Hobb 2 (5) ; Morice (3) ; Car. Walsh (1) ;
Inherited runners/scored - Montgomery 2/2; J. Hobb 1/0; Groundouts/Flyouts - J. Raab 0/1; Montgomery 2/4; J. Hobb 3/1; Bowery 9/1; B. Dunham 0/1; Coniglio 0/3; Morice 2/0; Car. Walsh 2/0; PItches/strikes - J. Raab 55/32; Montgomery 68/47; J. Hobb 44/23; Bowery 59/44; B. Dunham 18/10; Coniglio 13/8; Morice 4/3; Car. Walsh 11/5;

Umpires - HP: Donald Goller; 1B: Joe Gravina; 2B: ; 3B: Michael Sadowski.
Start: 3:15 pm. Duration: 2:13. Attendance: 376
Weather: Hi 60s, ovrcst, 11-22 ENE

Play By Play (Full) - Final
Stony Brook at Northeastern
5/17/2024 at Friedman Diammond (Brookline, Mass.)

Score by Innings123456789RHELOB
Stony Brook000000000 0615
Northeastern55010000X 111709

Stony Brook starters:
7/cf/E. Fox; 20/rf/C. Santerre; 45/dh/E. Paulsen; 21/lf/Brown-Eiring; 14/1b/B. Paulsen; 24/2b/J. Pilla; 19/3b/E. Goforth; 3/ss/M. Miceli; 29/c/S. Gell; 25/p/J. Raab;

Northeastern starters:
19/2b/Beckstein; 8/cf/Sirota; 33/1b/MacGregor; 10/dh/A. Lane; 27/3b/J. Doyle; 5/ss/J. Goodman; 3/lf/Gerety; 13/c/Brinker; 7/rf/Maldonado; 14/p/Bowery;

1st Inning
Top of 1st - SBU batting
E. Fox grounded out to ss (0-1 K).
C. Santerre grounded out to 3b (2-2 BBKK).
E. Paulsen grounded out to 2b (1-2 KFFFB).

Bottom of 1st - NU batting
Beckstein doubled to right field (0-1 K).
Sirota singled to left field, RBI (1-0 B); Beckstein scored.
MacGregor doubled down the lf line (1-2 SBF); Sirota advanced to third.
MacGregor advanced to third on a wild pitch; Sirota scored on a wild pitch.
A. Lane struck out swinging (3-2 KKBBBS).
J. Doyle reached on a throwing error by ss, RBI (3-2 BBBKKF); MacGregor scored.
J. Goodman homered, 2 RBI (0-1 F); J. Doyle scored, unearned.
Gerety struck out looking (2-2 KBBFK).
Brinker struck out looking (3-2 BBFFBK).

This InningRHEL
2nd Inning
Top of 2nd - SBU batting
Brown-Eiring struck out swinging (1-2 KBFS).
B. Paulsen grounded out to 2b (0-0).
J. Pilla grounded out to 2b (2-0 BB).

Bottom of 2nd - NU batting
Maldonado struck out swinging (3-2 BBBKKS).
Beckstein hit by pitch (2-2 BBKF).
Sirota doubled to right center, ground-rule (0-0); Beckstein advanced to third.
MacGregor singled up the middle, 2 RBI (2-1 FBB); Sirota scored; Beckstein scored.
A. Lane flied out to lf (0-0).
J. Doyle singled up the middle (2-1 BFB); MacGregor advanced to second.
Montgomery to p for J. Raab.
J. Doyle stole second; MacGregor stole third.
J. Goodman singled to left field, 2 RBI (3-2 BBKBKF); J. Doyle scored; MacGregor scored.
Gerety singled down the 3b line, bunt (0-0); J. Goodman advanced to second.
Brinker singled up the middle, RBI (0-0); Gerety advanced to third; J. Goodman scored.
Maldonado flied out to rf (0-1 F).

This InningRHEL
3rd Inning
Top of 3rd - SBU batting
E. Goforth singled to center field (0-0).
M. Miceli flied out to cf (2-2 BKBFF).
S. Gell grounded into double play ss to 2b to 1b (0-1 S); E. Goforth out on the play.

Bottom of 3rd - NU batting
Beckstein flied out to cf (1-1 KB).
Sirota struck out swinging (1-2 FFBS).
MacGregor doubled to left center (1-0 B).
A. Lane struck out swinging (1-2 BSFFS).

This InningRHEL
4th Inning
Top of 4th - SBU batting
E. Fox grounded out to 1b unassisted (2-1 KBB).
C. Santerre singled to center field (2-2 BBFF).
E. Paulsen reached on a fielder's choice (1-2 SBS); C. Santerre out at second 3b to 2b.
Brown-Eiring singled to second base (1-2 KBF); E. Paulsen advanced to second.
B. Paulsen struck out swinging (0-2 KSFS).

Bottom of 4th - NU batting
J. Doyle doubled to left field (1-1 BK).
J. Goodman grounded out to ss (2-2 BKBK).
Gerety singled to center field (3-2 BBFFBF); J. Doyle advanced to third.
Brinker doubled down the lf line, RBI (0-2 FS); Gerety advanced to third; J. Doyle scored.
Maldonado struck out looking (2-2 FFBBFK).
Beckstein flied out to cf (0-1 K).

This InningRHEL
5th Inning
Top of 5th - SBU batting
J. Pilla struck out looking (1-2 FSBK).
E. Goforth grounded out to 2b (0-0).
M. Miceli struck out looking (0-2 KFK).

Bottom of 5th - NU batting
Sirota grounded out to 3b (2-1 SBB).
MacGregor struck out swinging (1-2 FFBS).
A. Lane singled to left field (1-0 B).
J. Doyle flied out to rf (0-0).

This InningRHEL
6th Inning
Top of 6th - SBU batting
B. Dunham to p for Bowery.
S. Gell struck out swinging (3-2 BBBKKS).
E. Fox flied out to lf (3-2 KSBBB).
C. Carson pinch hit for C. Santerre.
C. Carson struck out looking (2-2 BBFKFK).

Bottom of 6th - NU batting
C. Carson to rf.
J. Goodman singled up the middle (2-2 BKFBF).
J. Hobb to p for Montgomery.
Gerety grounded into double play p to ss to 1b (1-0 B); J. Goodman out on the play.
Brinker flied out to cf (2-0 BB).

This InningRHEL
7th Inning
Top of 7th - SBU batting
Coniglio to p for B. Dunham.
E. Paulsen flied out to cf (1-0 B).
Brown-Eiring flied out to lf (0-0).
B. Paulsen singled up the middle (1-1 FB).
J. Pilla doubled down the rf line (1-0 B); B. Paulsen advanced to third.
E. Goforth flied out to lf (2-2 KBBK).

Bottom of 7th - NU batting
Maldonado singled to shortstop (0-1 S).
Beckstein grounded into double play ss to 1b (3-2 BBBKKF); Maldonado out on the play.
Sirota walked (3-2 BSFBBFB).
MacGregor hit by pitch (0-0); Sirota advanced to second.
A. Lane struck out swinging (2-2 FBBFS).

This InningRHEL
8th Inning
Top of 8th - SBU batting
Morice to p for Coniglio.
Chr. Walsh to 3b for J. Doyle.
M. Miceli hit by pitch (0-1 K).
M. Jackson pinch hit for S. Gell.
M. Jackson reached on a fielder's choice (0-0); M. Miceli out at second 2b to ss.
E. Fox grounded into double play ss to 2b to 1b (0-0); M. Jackson out on the play.

Bottom of 8th - NU batting
N. Solorzano to c for M. Jackson.
Chr. Walsh struck out swinging (3-2 BBKKBS).
J. Sullivan pinch hit for J. Goodman.
J. Sullivan struck out swinging (1-2 BFKS).
Feinberg pinch hit for Gerety.
Feinberg hit by pitch (3-2 SSBBB).
Brinker grounded out to 3b (0-0).

This InningRHEL
9th Inning
Top of 9th - SBU batting
A. Lane to lf.
Musacchia to ss for J. Sullivan.
Car. Walsh to p for Morice.
M. DeStefano pinch hit for C. Carson.
M. DeStefano grounded out to p (1-0 B).
J. Delanzo pinch hit for E. Paulsen.
J. Delanzo hit by pitch (1-0 B).
C. Parillo pinch hit for Brown-Eiring.
C. Parillo singled to third base (3-2 KBFBB); J. Delanzo advanced to second.
B. Paulsen grounded into double play 3b to 2b to 1b (0-0); C. Parillo out on the play.

This InningRHEL

Scoring Innings - Final
Stony Brook at Northeastern
5/17/2024 at Friedman Diammond (Brookline, Mass.)

Score by Innings123456789RHELOB
Stony Brook000000000 0615
Northeastern55010000X 111709

Stony Brook starters:
7/cf/E. Fox; 20/rf/C. Santerre; 45/dh/E. Paulsen; 21/lf/Brown-Eiring; 14/1b/B. Paulsen; 24/2b/J. Pilla; 19/3b/E. Goforth; 3/ss/M. Miceli; 29/c/S. Gell; 25/p/J. Raab;

Northeastern starters:
19/2b/Beckstein; 8/cf/Sirota; 33/1b/MacGregor; 10/dh/A. Lane; 27/3b/J. Doyle; 5/ss/J. Goodman; 3/lf/Gerety; 13/c/Brinker; 7/rf/Maldonado; 14/p/Bowery;

Bottom of 1st - NU batting
Beckstein doubled to right field (0-1 K).
Sirota singled to left field, RBI (1-0 B); Beckstein scored.
MacGregor doubled down the lf line (1-2 SBF); Sirota advanced to third.
MacGregor advanced to third on a wild pitch; Sirota scored on a wild pitch.
A. Lane struck out swinging (3-2 KKBBBS).
J. Doyle reached on a throwing error by ss, RBI (3-2 BBBKKF); MacGregor scored.
J. Goodman homered, 2 RBI (0-1 F); J. Doyle scored, unearned.
Gerety struck out looking (2-2 KBBFK).
Brinker struck out looking (3-2 BBFFBK).
5 R, 4 H, 1 E, 0 LOB.

Bottom of 2nd - NU batting
Maldonado struck out swinging (3-2 BBBKKS).
Beckstein hit by pitch (2-2 BBKF).
Sirota doubled to right center, ground-rule (0-0); Beckstein advanced to third.
MacGregor singled up the middle, 2 RBI (2-1 FBB); Sirota scored; Beckstein scored.
A. Lane flied out to lf (0-0).
J. Doyle singled up the middle (2-1 BFB); MacGregor advanced to second.
Montgomery to p for J. Raab.
J. Doyle stole second; MacGregor stole third.
J. Goodman singled to left field, 2 RBI (3-2 BBKBKF); J. Doyle scored; MacGregor scored.
Gerety singled down the 3b line, bunt (0-0); J. Goodman advanced to second.
Brinker singled up the middle, RBI (0-0); Gerety advanced to third; J. Goodman scored.
Maldonado flied out to rf (0-1 F).
5 R, 6 H, 0 E, 2 LOB.

Bottom of 4th - NU batting
J. Doyle doubled to left field (1-1 BK).
J. Goodman grounded out to ss (2-2 BKBK).
Gerety singled to center field (3-2 BBFFBF); J. Doyle advanced to third.
Brinker doubled down the lf line, RBI (0-2 FS); Gerety advanced to third; J. Doyle scored.
Maldonado struck out looking (2-2 FFBBFK).
Beckstein flied out to cf (0-1 K).
1 R, 3 H, 0 E, 2 LOB.