UNC Greensboro
Georgia Southern
2022 NCAA Division I Baseball Championship Regionals

June 04, 2022
JI Clements Stadium (Statesboro, Ga.)


Official Box Score - Final
UNC Greensboro at Georgia Southern
6/4/2022 at JI Clements Stadium (Statesboro, Ga.)

UNC Greensboro 0 (34-29)

7K. Joneslf400001503
18H. Windish2b400001210
29P. Cavenaughrf/cf402001200
14M. Smith3b400001000
21G. Hardison1b300001311
27C. Freemandh300000000
20D. Callahanc300000300
2Z. Budzikss301001510
8B. Bottcf100000200
9 E. McKayph/rf101010100
Georgia Southern 8 (41-18)

5J. Sherrill2b522000051
2J. Swan1b4120101300
41C. Avantrf411300500
28N. Ledforddh212020000
22A. Thompsonss210101142
14J. Brown3b301100030
8S. Blancatocf412101000
12P. Biedererlf300011200
13J. Tighec412100604

Score by Innings123456789RHELOB
UNC Greensboro0000000000414
Georgia Southern11004020X81207

E - D. Callahan ; DP - UNC Greensboro 1; Georgia Southern 1.
RBI - C. Avant 3 (57) ; A. Thompson (42) ; J. Brown (38) ; S. Blancato (33) ; J. Tighe (13) ; 2B - N. Ledford (20) ; S. Blancato 2 (8) ; J. Tighe 2 (6) ; KL - K. Jones ; H. Windish ; M. Smith ; Z. Budzik ; SH - A. Thompson (5) ; J. Brown (3) ; SF - C. Avant (6) ; A. Thompson (4) ; CS - J. Swan (4) ; GDP - M. Smith ; C. Avant ; LOB - UNC Greensboro 4; Georgia Southern 7.

38A. Parsley 4.096623211874
48H. Shuey 0.2100205216
16A. Koehn 3.122100131142

27T. Fisher 9.0400163130110

Win - T. Fisher(6-2). Loss - A. Parsley(10-5). Save - None.
SFA - A. Parsley ; H. Shuey ;
Inherited runners/scored - H. Shuey 2/2; A. Koehn 3/0; Groundouts/Flyouts - A. Parsley 1/6; H. Shuey 0/2; A. Koehn 2/8; T. Fisher 13/7; PItches/strikes - A. Parsley 74/47; H. Shuey 16/4; A. Koehn 42/27; T. Fisher 110/69;

Umpires - HP: Brian Miller; 1B: Danny Jimenez; 2B: Brian deBrauwere; 3B: Greg Charles.
Start: 10:06 AM. Duration: 2:14. Attendance: 2182

Play By Play (Full) - FinalUNC Greensboro at Georgia Southern
6/4/2022 at JI Clements Stadium (Statesboro, Ga.)

Score by Innings123456789RHELOB
UNC Greensboro0000000000414
Georgia Southern11004020X81207

UNC Greensboro starters:
7/lf/K. Jones; 18/2b/H. Windish; 29/rf/P. Cavenaugh; 14/3b/M. Smith; 21/1b/G. Hardison; 27/dh/C. Freeman; 20/c/D. Callahan; 2/ss/Z. Budzik; 8/cf/B. Bott; 38/p/A. Parsley;

Georgia Southern starters:
5/2b/J. Sherrill; 2/1b/J. Swan; 41/rf/C. Avant; 28/dh/N. Ledford; 22/ss/A. Thompson; 14/3b/J. Brown; 8/cf/S. Blancato; 12/lf/P. Biederer; 13/c/J. Tighe; 27/p/T. Fisher;

1st Inning
Top of 1st - UNCG batting
K. Jones struck out looking (0-2 SSK).
H. Windish struck out looking (3-2 BBBKKK).
P. Cavenaugh struck out swinging (2-2 BFKBFS).

Bottom of 1st - GS batting
J. Sherrill singled through the left side (2-1 BKB).
J. Swan singled to left field, advanced to second on the throw (0-1 K); J. Sherrill advanced to third.
C. Avant flied out to lf, SF, RBI (2-1 BSB); J. Sherrill scored.
J. Swan out at second p to ss, caught stealing.
N. Ledford walked (3-2 FBBFBB).
A. Thompson struck out swinging (1-2 SSBS).

This InningRHEL
2nd Inning
Top of 2nd - UNCG batting
M. Smith grounded out to ss (0-1 S).
G. Hardison struck out swinging (1-2 KBFS).
C. Freeman grounded out to 2b (0-0).

Bottom of 2nd - GS batting
J. Brown lined out to ss (1-2 FSB).
S. Blancato doubled to right center (0-1 K).
P. Biederer struck out swinging (1-2 FFBS).
J. Tighe doubled to left field, RBI (1-0 B); S. Blancato scored.
J. Sherrill flied out to lf (2-2 KBBF).

This InningRHEL
3rd Inning
Top of 3rd - UNCG batting
D. Callahan grounded out to 2b (1-2 KBK).
Z. Budzik struck out looking (1-2 FBKK).
B. Bott grounded out to ss.

Bottom of 3rd - GS batting
J. Swan singled to left field (0-2 KF).
C. Avant grounded into double play ss to 2b to 1b (0-1 K); J. Swan out on the play.
N. Ledford singled to center field (1-1 KB).
A. Thompson popped up to 1b (1-1 BF).

This InningRHEL
4th Inning
Top of 4th - UNCG batting
K. Jones grounded out to 3b (1-2 SBK).
H. Windish grounded out to 2b (0-0).
P. Cavenaugh flied out to rf (2-0 BB).

Bottom of 4th - GS batting
J. Brown flied out to cf (2-2 KBKB).
S. Blancato struck out swinging (2-2 SBKBS).
P. Biederer popped up to ss (0-0).

This InningRHEL
5th Inning
Top of 5th - UNCG batting
M. Smith lined out to rf (3-1 FBBB).
G. Hardison grounded out to 3b (2-2 KBSB).
C. Freeman grounded out to 2b (2-2 KBSB).

Bottom of 5th - GS batting
J. Tighe doubled down the lf line (2-2 KKBBF).
J. Sherrill singled, bunt (0-0); J. Tighe advanced to third.
J. Swan walked (3-1 BBBKB); J. Sherrill advanced to second.
C. Avant singled through the left side, 2 RBI (1-0 B); J. Swan advanced to second; J. Sherrill scored; J. Tighe scored.
H. Shuey to p for A. Parsley.
N. Ledford walked (3-0 BBBB); C. Avant advanced to second; J. Swan advanced to third.
A. Thompson flied out to lf, SF, RBI (2-1 KBB); J. Swan scored.
J. Brown singled to left center, RBI (1-0 B); N. Ledford advanced to second; C. Avant scored.
S. Blancato flied out to cf (1-0 B); N. Ledford advanced to third.
P. Biederer walked (3-0 BBBB); J. Brown advanced to second.
A. Koehn to p for H. Shuey.
J. Tighe popped up to ss (2-2 BBKS).

This InningRHEL
6th Inning
Top of 6th - UNCG batting
D. Callahan grounded out to p (3-2 KBBFB).
Z. Budzik flied out to lf (1-1 BK).
E. McKay pinch hit for B. Bott.
E. McKay walked (3-0 BBBB).
K. Jones flied out to rf (0-0).

Bottom of 6th - GS batting
P. Cavenaugh to cf.
E. McKay to rf.
J. Sherrill out at first 1b to p (0-0).
J. Swan fouled out to rf (1-2 KBF).
C. Avant popped up to 1b (3-2 BBKBF).

This InningRHEL
7th Inning
Top of 7th - UNCG batting
H. Windish flied out to lf (2-1 BKB).
P. Cavenaugh singled to shortstop (0-0).
M. Smith struck out looking (1-2 BFFK).
G. Hardison grounded out to 1b unassisted (0-2 FK).

Bottom of 7th - GS batting
N. Ledford doubled down the lf line (1-2 BSF).
A. Thompson reached on a throwing error by c, SAC, bunt, advanced to second (0-0); N. Ledford scored.
J. Brown out at first p to 2b, SAC, bunt (0-0); A. Thompson advanced to third.
S. Blancato doubled down the rf line, RBI (2-2 BFBF); A. Thompson scored, unearned.
P. Biederer flied out to lf (1-0 B).
J. Tighe popped up to ss (2-1 BBF).

This InningRHEL
8th Inning
Top of 8th - UNCG batting
C. Freeman flied out to rf (1-2 BKF).
D. Callahan grounded out to ss (3-2 KBFBB).
Z. Budzik singled to right center (2-0 BB).
E. McKay singled to left center (2-2 FKBBF); Z. Budzik advanced to second.
K. Jones lined out to rf (0-1 F).

Bottom of 8th - GS batting
J. Sherrill flied out to lf (1-1 KB).
J. Swan flied out to cf (0-0).
C. Avant flied out to cf (2-2 KKBB).

This InningRHEL
9th Inning
Top of 9th - UNCG batting
H. Windish grounded out to 3b (3-2 BBBKKF).
P. Cavenaugh singled to second base (0-0).
M. Smith grounded into double play 2b to ss to 1b (1-0 B); P. Cavenaugh out on the play.

This InningRHEL

Scoring Innings - Final
UNC Greensboro at Georgia Southern
6/4/2022 at JI Clements Stadium (Statesboro, Ga.)

Score by Innings123456789RHELOB
UNC Greensboro0000000000414
Georgia Southern11004020X81207

UNC Greensboro starters:
7/lf/K. Jones; 18/2b/H. Windish; 29/rf/P. Cavenaugh; 14/3b/M. Smith; 21/1b/G. Hardison; 27/dh/C. Freeman; 20/c/D. Callahan; 2/ss/Z. Budzik; 8/cf/B. Bott; 38/p/A. Parsley;

Georgia Southern starters:
5/2b/J. Sherrill; 2/1b/J. Swan; 41/rf/C. Avant; 28/dh/N. Ledford; 22/ss/A. Thompson; 14/3b/J. Brown; 8/cf/S. Blancato; 12/lf/P. Biederer; 13/c/J. Tighe; 27/p/T. Fisher;

Bottom of 1st - GS batting
J. Sherrill singled through the left side (2-1 BKB).
J. Swan singled to left field, advanced to second on the throw (0-1 K); J. Sherrill advanced to third.
C. Avant flied out to lf, SF, RBI (2-1 BSB); J. Sherrill scored.
J. Swan out at second p to ss, caught stealing.
N. Ledford walked (3-2 FBBFBB).
A. Thompson struck out swinging (1-2 SSBS).
1 R, 2 H, 0 E, 1 LOB.

Bottom of 2nd - GS batting
J. Brown lined out to ss (1-2 FSB).
S. Blancato doubled to right center (0-1 K).
P. Biederer struck out swinging (1-2 FFBS).
J. Tighe doubled to left field, RBI (1-0 B); S. Blancato scored.
J. Sherrill flied out to lf (2-2 KBBF).
1 R, 2 H, 0 E, 1 LOB.

Bottom of 5th - GS batting
J. Tighe doubled down the lf line (2-2 KKBBF).
J. Sherrill singled, bunt (0-0); J. Tighe advanced to third.
J. Swan walked (3-1 BBBKB); J. Sherrill advanced to second.
C. Avant singled through the left side, 2 RBI (1-0 B); J. Swan advanced to second; J. Sherrill scored; J. Tighe scored.
H. Shuey to p for A. Parsley.
N. Ledford walked (3-0 BBBB); C. Avant advanced to second; J. Swan advanced to third.
A. Thompson flied out to lf, SF, RBI (2-1 KBB); J. Swan scored.
J. Brown singled to left center, RBI (1-0 B); N. Ledford advanced to second; C. Avant scored.
S. Blancato flied out to cf (1-0 B); N. Ledford advanced to third.
P. Biederer walked (3-0 BBBB); J. Brown advanced to second.
A. Koehn to p for H. Shuey.
J. Tighe popped up to ss (2-2 BBKS).
4 R, 4 H, 0 E, 3 LOB.

Bottom of 7th - GS batting
N. Ledford doubled down the lf line (1-2 BSF).
A. Thompson reached on a throwing error by c, SAC, bunt, advanced to second (0-0); N. Ledford scored.
J. Brown out at first p to 2b, SAC, bunt (0-0); A. Thompson advanced to third.
S. Blancato doubled down the rf line, RBI (2-2 BFBF); A. Thompson scored, unearned.
P. Biederer flied out to lf (1-0 B).
J. Tighe popped up to ss (2-1 BBF).
2 R, 2 H, 1 E, 1 LOB.