South Alabama
2021 NCAA Division I Baseball Championship Regionals

June 04, 2021
Florida Ballpark (Gainesville, FL)


Official Box Score - Final
South Alabama at Miami
6/4/2021 at Florida Ballpark (Gainesville, FL)

South Alabama 0 (33-21)

32 Shell, Bennepr000000000
Miami 1 (33-19)

2Kayfus, C.rf/1b301001200
7Vilar, A.2b300001650
35Morales, Y.3b301010020
44Del Castilloc200110600
16Gil, R.dh200020001
30Toral, A.1b301000820
28 Lala, J.lf000000200
51Jenkins, T.cf200011002
46Pitelli, D.ss311001051

Score by Innings123456789RHELOB
South Alabama0000000000407

DP - South Alabama 2; Miami 1.
RBI - Del Castillo (37) ; 2B - Sandle (11) ; 3B - Sandle (2) ; KL - DeLaTorre 2 ; Jenkins, T. ; HBP - DeLaTorre (2) ; Kayfus, C. (2) ; SH - Montiel (7) ; Vilar, A. (2) ; SF - Del Castillo (2) ; CS - DelCastilloC (4) ; GDP - DeLaTorre ; Vilar, A. ; Toral, A. ; LOB - South Alabama 7; Miami 8.

45Lehrmann 4.041140191473
30Boyd 4.00003414955

24Rosario, A. 6.140025242290
99Federman, D. 0.200000224
14Palmquist, C 2.0000118526

Win - Rosario, A.(6-4). Loss - Lehrmann(3-4). Save - Palmquist, C (14).
WP - Lehrmann 2 (7) ; HB - Lehrmann (6) ; Palmquist, C (4) ; SFA - Boyd ;
Inherited runners/scored - Boyd 2/1; Federman, D. 1/0; Groundouts/Flyouts - Lehrmann 6/4; Boyd 4/3; Rosario, A. 11/2; Federman, D. 1/1; Palmquist, C 3/2; PItches/strikes - Lehrmann 73/35; Boyd 55/29; Rosario, A. 90/57; Federman, D. 4/3; Palmquist, C 26/16;

Umpires - HP: Rick Allen; 1B: Tom Honec; 2B: Tim Cordill; 3B: Tony Norris.
Start: 6:09 pm. Duration: 2:35. Attendance: 2856
Weather: Cloudy

Play By Play (Full) - FinalSouth Alabama at Miami
6/4/2021 at Florida Ballpark (Gainesville, FL)

Score by Innings123456789RHELOB
South Alabama0000000000407

South Alabama starters:
6/ss/Montiel; 34/lf/Wilson; 25/cf/Sandle; 22/2b/Stokes; 16/1b/DeLaTorre; 27/dh/Bates; 8/3b/Tissue; 13/c/Sorrenti; 4/rf/Donaldson; 45/p/Lehrmann;

Miami starters:
2/rf/Kayfus, C.; 7/2b/Vilar, A.; 35/3b/Morales, Y.; 44/c/Del Castillo; 47/lf/DelCastilloC; 16/dh/Gil, R.; 30/1b/Toral, A.; 51/cf/Jenkins, T.; 46/ss/Pitelli, D.; 24/p/Rosario, A.;

1st Inning
Top of 1st - USA batting
Montiel struck out swinging (1-2 FKBS).
Wilson grounded out to p (0-0).
Sandle doubled down the lf line (1-0 B).
Stokes walked (3-2 BBKBFB).
DeLaTorre struck out looking (1-2 FSBK).

Bottom of 1st - UM batting
Kayfus, C. singled to left field (2-1 KBB).
Vilar, A. grounded into double play ss to 2b to 1b (2-0 BB); Kayfus, C. out on the play.
Morales, Y. singled to left field (2-0 BB).
Del Castillo walked (3-1 BKBBB); Morales, Y. advanced to second.
Del Castillo advanced to second; Morales, Y. advanced to third on a wild pitch.
DelCastilloC flied out to rf (2-1 KBB).

This InningRHEL
2nd Inning
Top of 2nd - USA batting
Bates grounded out to 2b (3-1 BBBK).
Tissue grounded out to ss (1-2 BKFFFF).
Sorrenti out at first 1b to p (0-1 S).

Bottom of 2nd - UM batting
Gil, R. grounded out to ss (0-0).
Toral, A. flied out to rf (2-1 BBK).
Jenkins, T. walked (3-0 BBBB).
Jenkins, T. advanced to second on a wild pitch.
Pitelli, D. grounded out to 2b (1-0 B).

This InningRHEL
3rd Inning
Top of 3rd - USA batting
Donaldson grounded out to 2b (0-0).
Montiel grounded out to ss (2-2 BBKFF).
Wilson grounded out to 2b (1-1 SB).

Bottom of 3rd - UM batting
Kayfus, C. flied out to lf (0-1 F).
Vilar, A. grounded out to 1b unassisted (0-1 K).
Morales, Y. grounded out to ss (3-2 SKBBB).

This InningRHEL
4th Inning
Top of 4th - USA batting
Sandle grounded out to ss (1-1 BK).
Stokes walked (3-1 FBBBB).
DeLaTorre grounded into double play ss to 2b to 1b (0-0); Stokes out on the play.

Bottom of 4th - UM batting
Del Castillo flied out to lf (0-0).
DelCastilloC walked (3-1 BBKBB).
DelCastilloC out at second p to 1b to ss, caught stealing, picked off.
Gil, R. walked (3-2 BBKSBB).
Toral, A. singled to right field (1-2 KBS); Gil, R. advanced to second.
Jenkins, T. grounded out to ss (3-2 BSBKB).

This InningRHEL
5th Inning
Top of 5th - USA batting
Bates out at first 1b to p (2-2 BKFB).
Tissue singled through the left side (2-1 BKB).
Sorrenti fouled out to 2b down the rf line (1-1 BF).
Donaldson reached on a fielder's choice (0-0); Tissue out at second ss to 2b.

Bottom of 5th - UM batting
Pitelli, D. singled to left center (0-0).
Kayfus, C. hit by pitch (3-2 BFSFFBBF); Pitelli, D. advanced to second.
Boyd to p for Lehrmann.
Vilar, A. grounded out to 3b, SAC, bunt (1-0 B); Kayfus, C. advanced to second; Pitelli, D. advanced to third.
Morales, Y. walked (3-1 KBBBB).
Del Castillo flied out to cf, SF, RBI (0-0); Morales, Y. advanced to second; Kayfus, C. advanced to third; Pitelli, D. scored.
DelCastilloC grounded out to 1b unassisted (2-2 FBBF).

This InningRHEL
6th Inning
Top of 6th - USA batting
Montiel struck out swinging (1-2 FBKS).
Wilson flied out to lf (1-2 KBF).
Sandle tripled to right field (1-2 SSB).
Stokes struck out swinging (2-2 KFBBS).

Bottom of 6th - UM batting
Gil, R. walked (3-2 BKBKBB).
Toral, A. grounded into double play p to ss to 1b (0-0); Gil, R. out on the play.
Jenkins, T. struck out looking (2-2 BKKBK).

This InningRHEL
7th Inning
Top of 7th - USA batting
No play.
Kayfus, C. to 1b.
DelCastilloC to rf.
Lala, J. to lf for Toral, A..
DeLaTorre struck out looking (1-2 KSFBK).
Bates singled to second base (3-1 BBBK).
Federman, D. to p for Rosario, A..
Tissue popped up to 2b (1-1 KB).
Sorrenti reached on a fielder's choice (0-0); Bates out at second 3b to 2b.

Bottom of 7th - UM batting
Pitelli, D. struck out swinging (2-2 BSSBFS).
Kayfus, C. struck out swinging (1-2 BSFS).
Vilar, A. struck out swinging (1-2 FBFFS).

This InningRHEL
8th Inning
Top of 8th - USA batting
Palmquist, C to p for Federman, D..
Donaldson walked (3-2 BBKBKB).
Montiel out at first p to 2b, SAC, bunt (0-0); Donaldson advanced to second.
Wilson flied out to lf (3-2 KBBSBF).
Sandle grounded out to 3b (2-0 BB).

Bottom of 8th - UM batting
Morales, Y. flied out to rf (2-1 BBF).
Del Castillo grounded out to ss (2-2 BSBF).
DelCastilloC walked (3-0 BBBB).
Gil, R. flied out to rf (1-0 B).

This InningRHEL
9th Inning
Top of 9th - USA batting
Stokes flied out to lf (0-0).
DeLaTorre hit by pitch (0-1 K).
Shell, Benne pinch ran for DeLaTorre.
Bates struck out swinging (0-2 KFFS).
Tissue grounded out to 2b (0-1 K).

This InningRHEL

Scoring Innings - Final
South Alabama at Miami
6/4/2021 at Florida Ballpark (Gainesville, FL)

Score by Innings123456789RHELOB
South Alabama0000000000407

South Alabama starters:
6/ss/Montiel; 34/lf/Wilson; 25/cf/Sandle; 22/2b/Stokes; 16/1b/DeLaTorre; 27/dh/Bates; 8/3b/Tissue; 13/c/Sorrenti; 4/rf/Donaldson; 45/p/Lehrmann;

Miami starters:
2/rf/Kayfus, C.; 7/2b/Vilar, A.; 35/3b/Morales, Y.; 44/c/Del Castillo; 47/lf/DelCastilloC; 16/dh/Gil, R.; 30/1b/Toral, A.; 51/cf/Jenkins, T.; 46/ss/Pitelli, D.; 24/p/Rosario, A.;

Bottom of 5th - UM batting
Pitelli, D. singled to left center (0-0).
Kayfus, C. hit by pitch (3-2 BFSFFBBF); Pitelli, D. advanced to second.
Boyd to p for Lehrmann.
Vilar, A. grounded out to 3b, SAC, bunt (1-0 B); Kayfus, C. advanced to second; Pitelli, D. advanced to third.
Morales, Y. walked (3-1 KBBBB).
Del Castillo flied out to cf, SF, RBI (0-0); Morales, Y. advanced to second; Kayfus, C. advanced to third; Pitelli, D. scored.
DelCastilloC grounded out to 1b unassisted (2-2 FBBF).
1 R, 1 H, 0 E, 2 LOB.