East Stroudsburg
Nova Southeastern

February 09, 2020
AD Griffin (Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.)


Official Box Score - Final
East Stroudsburg at Nova Southeastern
2/9/2020 at AD Griffin (Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.)

East Stroudsburg 2 (1-4)

10K. Hazewskirf321011001
2M. Govancf201000200
0K. Caleenc200000100
5 K. Donaghuedp101000000
19Sh. Bonewitdp/1b302101100
29A. Spencerlf200101001
3D. Shaw-Tait3b300001022
4R. Seiverd1b/c2000111210
9 R. Arnerpr000000000
21L. Wrightss200000220
7S. Cecchin2b201010031
Nova Southeastern 4 (7-2)


Score by Innings1234567RHELOB
East Stroudsburg00010102605
Nova Southeastern100030X4907

DP - East Stroudsburg 0; Nova Southeastern 1.
RBI - Sh. Bonewit (1) ; A. Spencer (4) ; Sisco (2) ; Maddox (3) ; Speranza (8) ; Janowiak (2) ; KL - Sh. Bonewit ; D. Shaw-Tait ; SH - M. Govan (1) ; L. Wright (1) ; Smith (2) ; SF - A. Spencer (1) ; CS - S. Cecchin (2) ; Smith (2) ; GDP - K. Caleen ; LOB - East Stroudsburg 5; Nova Southeastern 7.

23M. Grow 4.174420221950
1L. Jenkins 1.2200117629

16Hess 7.062235282279

Win - Hess (4-1). Loss - M. Grow (0-1). Save - None.
SFA - Hess ;
Inherited runners/scored - L. Jenkins 2/0; Groundouts/Flyouts - M. Grow 11/2; L. Jenkins 1/2; Hess 9/5; PItches/strikes - M. Grow 50/16; L. Jenkins 29/15; Hess 79/39;

Umpires - HP: Edwin Riggan; 1B: Michael McIntosh; 2B: ; 3B: .
Start: 1:00 pm. Duration: 1:56. Attendance: 65
Weather: Breezy, high 70s

Play By Play (Full) - FinalEast Stroudsburg at Nova Southeastern
2/9/2020 at AD Griffin (Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.)

Score by Innings1234567RHELOB
East Stroudsburg00010102605
Nova Southeastern100030X4907

East Stroudsburg starters:
10/rf/K. Hazewski; 2/cf/M. Govan; 0/c/K. Caleen; 19/dp/Sh. Bonewit; 29/lf/A. Spencer; 3/3b/D. Shaw-Tait; 4/1b/R. Seiverd; 21/ss/L. Wright; 7/2b/S. Cecchin; 23/p/M. Grow;

Nova Southeastern starters:
11/lf/Sisco; 23/rf/Maddox; 2/3b/Williams; 26/dp/Speranza; 22/2b/Janowiak; 4/c/Suzuki; 3/1b/Baldridge; 10/ss/Smith; 1/cf/Lageyre; 16/p/Hess;

1st Inning
Top of 1st - ESUS batting
K. Hazewski struck out swinging (2-2 FFBFBS).
M. Govan singled to right field.
K. Caleen grounded into double play ss to 2b to 1b (1-2 KKB); M. Govan out on the play.

Bottom of 1st - NSUS batting
Sisco grounded out to p (2-1 BKB).
Maddox walked (3-1 BBKBB).
Maddox stole second.
Williams grounded out to 2b (3-1 BBBK); Maddox advanced to third.
Speranza walked (3-0 BBBB).
Janowiak singled to left field, RBI (2-1 BBK); Speranza advanced to second; Maddox scored.
Suzuki popped up to ss (2-0 BB).

This InningRHEL
2nd Inning
Top of 2nd - ESUS batting
Sh. Bonewit struck out looking (2-2 KBBKK).
A. Spencer struck out swinging (0-2 KKFK).
D. Shaw-Tait grounded out to p.

Bottom of 2nd - NSUS batting
Baldridge singled to second base (2-1 BBK).
Smith grounded out to p, SAC, bunt (2-2 FBBF); Baldridge advanced to second.
Lageyre grounded out to 2b; Baldridge advanced to third.
Sisco grounded out to ss (2-0 BB).

This InningRHEL
3rd Inning
Top of 3rd - ESUS batting
R. Seiverd struck out swinging (2-2 KKBBS).
L. Wright popped up to 2b (2-2 FFBB).
S. Cecchin walked (3-1 BBFBB).
S. Cecchin out at second c to 2b, caught stealing.

Bottom of 3rd - NSUS batting
Maddox grounded out to 1b unassisted (1-1 KB).
Williams grounded out to ss.
Speranza grounded out to 2b.

This InningRHEL
4th Inning
Top of 4th - ESUS batting
K. Hazewski walked (3-2 BBKBKFB).
M. Govan out at first p to 2b, SAC, bunt; K. Hazewski advanced to second.
K. Caleen grounded out to p (1-1 BK); K. Hazewski advanced to third.
Sh. Bonewit singled to shortstop, RBI (1-2 KKB); K. Hazewski scored.
A. Spencer grounded out to ss (1-0 B).

Bottom of 4th - NSUS batting
Janowiak flied out to cf (1-1 BK).
Suzuki grounded out to 3b.
Baldridge grounded out to c unassisted (3-1 BFBB).

This InningRHEL
5th Inning
Top of 5th - ESUS batting
D. Shaw-Tait struck out looking (0-2 KFK).
R. Seiverd walked (3-0 BBBB).
R. Arner pinch ran for R. Seiverd.
R. Arner stole second.
L. Wright grounded out to p, SAC, bunt (2-0 BB); R. Arner advanced to third.
S. Cecchin grounded out to 3b (3-1 BBBK).

Bottom of 5th - NSUS batting
R. Seiverd to 1b for R. Arner.
Smith singled to third base (0-1 K).
Smith stole second.
Lageyre grounded out to p (0-2 KFF); Smith advanced to third.
K. Caleen to dp.
Sh. Bonewit to 1b.
R. Seiverd to c.
Sisco singled to second base, RBI; Smith scored.
Sisco stole second.
Maddox singled up the middle, RBI (1-2 KKB); Sisco scored.
Williams singled to left field (2-0 BB); Maddox advanced to second.
Speranza singled up the middle, RBI (2-0 BB); Williams advanced to third; Maddox scored.
K. Donaghue to dp for K. Caleen.
L. Jenkins to p for M. Grow.
Janowiak fouled out to c (0-2 KK).
Suzuki grounded out to 3b (3-2 KFBFBB).

This InningRHEL
6th Inning
Top of 6th - ESUS batting
K. Hazewski singled to left field (3-2 KKBBB).
M. Govan popped up to ss.
K. Donaghue singled to third base (1-0 B); K. Hazewski advanced to second.
Sh. Bonewit singled to first base (0-1 F); K. Donaghue advanced to second; K. Hazewski advanced to third.
A. Spencer flied out to lf, SF, RBI (1-0 B); K. Hazewski scored.
Sh. Bonewit stole second; K. Donaghue stole third.
D. Shaw-Tait grounded out to ss (1-2 BKK).

Bottom of 6th - NSUS batting
Baldridge struck out swinging (1-2 KBFK).
Smith singled to right center (1-0 B).
Smith out at second c to ss, caught stealing.
Lageyre singled to shortstop (3-1 BBBK).
Sisco walked (3-2 KKFBBFBB); Lageyre advanced to second.
Maddox flied out to cf (2-2 BBKF).

This InningRHEL
7th Inning
Top of 7th - ESUS batting
R. Seiverd lined out to ss (3-2 BSFBB).
L. Wright flied out to rf (0-2 KK).
S. Cecchin singled to left center (0-1 K).
K. Hazewski grounded out to p.

This InningRHEL

Scoring Innings - Final
East Stroudsburg at Nova Southeastern
2/9/2020 at AD Griffin (Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.)

Score by Innings1234567RHELOB
East Stroudsburg00010102605
Nova Southeastern100030X4907

East Stroudsburg starters:
10/rf/K. Hazewski; 2/cf/M. Govan; 0/c/K. Caleen; 19/dp/Sh. Bonewit; 29/lf/A. Spencer; 3/3b/D. Shaw-Tait; 4/1b/R. Seiverd; 21/ss/L. Wright; 7/2b/S. Cecchin; 23/p/M. Grow;

Nova Southeastern starters:
11/lf/Sisco; 23/rf/Maddox; 2/3b/Williams; 26/dp/Speranza; 22/2b/Janowiak; 4/c/Suzuki; 3/1b/Baldridge; 10/ss/Smith; 1/cf/Lageyre; 16/p/Hess;

Bottom of 1st - NSUS batting
Sisco grounded out to p (2-1 BKB).
Maddox walked (3-1 BBKBB).
Maddox stole second.
Williams grounded out to 2b (3-1 BBBK); Maddox advanced to third.
Speranza walked (3-0 BBBB).
Janowiak singled to left field, RBI (2-1 BBK); Speranza advanced to second; Maddox scored.
Suzuki popped up to ss (2-0 BB).
1 R, 1 H, 0 E, 2 LOB.

Top of 4th - ESUS batting
K. Hazewski walked (3-2 BBKBKFB).
M. Govan out at first p to 2b, SAC, bunt; K. Hazewski advanced to second.
K. Caleen grounded out to p (1-1 BK); K. Hazewski advanced to third.
Sh. Bonewit singled to shortstop, RBI (1-2 KKB); K. Hazewski scored.
A. Spencer grounded out to ss (1-0 B).
1 R, 1 H, 0 E, 1 LOB.

Bottom of 5th - NSUS batting
R. Seiverd to 1b for R. Arner.
Smith singled to third base (0-1 K).
Smith stole second.
Lageyre grounded out to p (0-2 KFF); Smith advanced to third.
K. Caleen to dp.
Sh. Bonewit to 1b.
R. Seiverd to c.
Sisco singled to second base, RBI; Smith scored.
Sisco stole second.
Maddox singled up the middle, RBI (1-2 KKB); Sisco scored.
Williams singled to left field (2-0 BB); Maddox advanced to second.
Speranza singled up the middle, RBI (2-0 BB); Williams advanced to third; Maddox scored.
K. Donaghue to dp for K. Caleen.
L. Jenkins to p for M. Grow.
Janowiak fouled out to c (0-2 KK).
Suzuki grounded out to 3b (3-2 KFBFBB).
3 R, 5 H, 0 E, 2 LOB.

Top of 6th - ESUS batting
K. Hazewski singled to left field (3-2 KKBBB).
M. Govan popped up to ss.
K. Donaghue singled to third base (1-0 B); K. Hazewski advanced to second.
Sh. Bonewit singled to first base (0-1 F); K. Donaghue advanced to second; K. Hazewski advanced to third.
A. Spencer flied out to lf, SF, RBI (1-0 B); K. Hazewski scored.
Sh. Bonewit stole second; K. Donaghue stole third.
D. Shaw-Tait grounded out to ss (1-2 BKK).
1 R, 3 H, 0 E, 2 LOB.