
April 13, 2018
Smith Road Complex (Newberry, S.C.)


Official Box Score - Final
Wingate at Newberry
4/13/2018 at Smith Road Complex (Newberry, S.C.)

Wingate 4 (32-11)

3Ty Andruscf402000300
9M. Mellett2b400000131
16T. Schneider3b401100120
25Tanner Forryrf400004102
33B. Browndh411100000
31M. Goodwinc411003310
11B. Brantonss300001240
41Trent Wynnlf312100500
15Zach Little1b3110001100
Newberry 2 (22-19)

1D. Hymancf300001402
29D. Lansdowne2b401001610
15D. Olenchuklf401001400
10C. Allmanss412000031
16T. White1b400000501
30K. Clanton3b310000010
17 P. Spangler3b101000000
12B. Herringdh300010000
6C. Barbaryc302100810
13 C. Santiagorf000000000

Score by Innings123456789RHELOB

E - T. Schneider ; DP - Wingate 2; Newberry 1.
RBI - T. Schneider ; B. Brown ; Trent Wynn ; C. Barbary ; Passerello ; 2B - M. Goodwin ; HR - B. Brown ; Trent Wynn ; KL - M. Goodwin ; B. Branton ; D. Hyman ; D. Lansdowne ; D. Olenchuk ; SH - B. Branton ; D. Hyman ; GDP - M. Mellett ; B. Herring ; LOB - Wingate 3; Newberry 5.

24H. Morgan 9.082013343292

26E. Estridge 7.074406282794
3Q. Driggers 0.200000113
32S. Smith 0.110001229
33C. Fessler 1.0000013314

Win - H. Morgan (5-2). Loss - E. Estridge (2-6). Save - None.
WP - E. Estridge ; S. Smith ;
Inherited runners/scored - Q. Driggers 2/0; S. Smith 1/1; Groundouts/Flyouts - H. Morgan 10/11; E. Estridge 5/10; Q. Driggers 1/0; S. Smith 0/0; C. Fessler 0/2; PItches/strikes - H. Morgan 92/62; E. Estridge 94/65; Q. Driggers 3/2; S. Smith 9/5; C. Fessler 14/8;

Umpires - HP: Seth Keener; 1B: Matt Cerimele; 2B: ; 3B: Rick Hughes.
Start: 6:01 pm. Duration: 2:21. Attendance: 237
Weather: Fair; 77; 8 mph wind in frm RF
E. Estridge faced 2 batters in the 8th.

Play By Play (Full) - FinalWingate at Newberry
4/13/2018 at Smith Road Complex (Newberry, S.C.)

Score by Innings123456789RHELOB

Wingate starters:
3/cf/Ty Andrus; 9/2b/M. Mellett; 16/3b/T. Schneider; 25/rf/Tanner Forry; 33/dh/B. Brown; 31/c/M. Goodwin; 11/ss/B. Branton; 41/lf/Trent Wynn; 15/1b/Zach Little; 24/p/H. Morgan;

Newberry starters:
1/cf/D. Hyman; 29/2b/D. Lansdowne; 15/lf/D. Olenchuk; 10/ss/C. Allman; 16/1b/T. White; 30/3b/K. Clanton; 12/dh/B. Herring; 6/c/C. Barbary; 8/rf/Passerello; 26/p/E. Estridge;

1st Inning
Top of 1st - WU batting
Ty Andrus singled to left field (1-0 B).
M. Mellett fouled out to 2b (3-2 KKFBFBBF).
T. Schneider grounded out to ss (1-0 B); Ty Andrus advanced to second.
Tanner Forry struck out swinging (0-2 KSS).

Bottom of 1st - NBY batting
D. Hyman grounded out to 1b unassisted (2-2 KFBB).
D. Lansdowne grounded out to p, bunt (1-0 B).
D. Olenchuk grounded out to 2b (2-0 BB).

This InningRHEL
2nd Inning
Top of 2nd - WU batting
B. Brown flied out to lf down the lf line (3-2 FBFBB).
M. Goodwin struck out swinging (0-2 KKS).
B. Branton struck out looking (2-2 FBBKK).

Bottom of 2nd - NBY batting
C. Allman singled to left center (2-2 BBKF).
T. White flied out to cf (0-2 KK).
K. Clanton reached on a fielding error by 3b (0-0); C. Allman advanced to second.
B. Herring walked (3-2 KBBFBB); K. Clanton advanced to second; C. Allman advanced to third.
C. Barbary singled to left field, RBI (0-2 SS); B. Herring advanced to second; K. Clanton advanced to third; C. Allman scored, unearned.
Passerello grounded out to 2b, RBI (2-0 BB); C. Barbary advanced to second; B. Herring advanced to third; K. Clanton scored, unearned.
D. Hyman flied out to lf (0-0).

This InningRHEL
3rd Inning
Top of 3rd - WU batting
Trent Wynn singled to center field (0-1 K).
Zach Little reached on a fielder's choice to shortstop (0-2 FFF); Trent Wynn out at second ss to 2b.
Ty Andrus flied out to lf (1-0 B).
M. Mellett flied out to cf (0-0).

Bottom of 3rd - NBY batting
D. Lansdowne lined out to cf (0-0).
D. Olenchuk singled to center field (0-0).
C. Allman grounded out to 3b (1-0 B); D. Olenchuk advanced to second.
T. White flied out to rf (3-1 BBFB).

This InningRHEL
4th Inning
Top of 4th - WU batting
T. Schneider grounded out to ss (1-1 SB).
Tanner Forry struck out swinging (1-2 KBSS).
B. Brown flied out to cf (0-0).

Bottom of 4th - NBY batting
K. Clanton flied out to lf (2-0 BB).
B. Herring flied out to lf (2-2 BKFB).
C. Barbary grounded out to ss (0-0).

This InningRHEL
5th Inning
Top of 5th - WU batting
M. Goodwin doubled to right center (1-1 BK).
B. Branton grounded out to c, SAC, bunt (0-1 F); M. Goodwin advanced to third.
M. Goodwin scored on a wild pitch.
Trent Wynn homered to center field, RBI (3-1 BSBB).
Zach Little flied out to lf (0-2 KS).
Ty Andrus popped up to 2b (1-2 KSB).

Bottom of 5th - NBY batting
Passerello singled to right field (0-0).
D. Hyman grounded out to 3b, SAC, bunt (0-1 F); Passerello advanced to second.
Passerello out at third c to 3b.
Pitch in the dirt.
D. Lansdowne struck out looking (1-2 BKKFK).

This InningRHEL
6th Inning
Top of 6th - WU batting
M. Mellett flied out to cf (2-0 BB).
T. Schneider flied out to cf to left center (1-1 BF).
Tanner Forry struck out swinging (3-2 SSFBFFBBS).

Bottom of 6th - NBY batting
D. Olenchuk grounded out to p (0-0).
C. Allman singled to center field (1-2 KBK).
T. White lined into double play ss to 1b (0-0); C. Allman out on the play.

This InningRHEL
7th Inning
Top of 7th - WU batting
B. Brown homered to right field, RBI (1-0 B).
M. Goodwin struck out looking (2-2 KBKBK).
B. Branton grounded out to 3b down the 3b line (1-1 BK).
Trent Wynn fouled out to lf (0-1 K).

Bottom of 7th - NBY batting
K. Clanton grounded out to ss (0-0).
B. Herring flied out to lf to left center (0-0).
C. Barbary singled to right center (0-2 KS).
Passerello fouled out to ss (0-0).

This InningRHEL
8th Inning
Top of 8th - WU batting
Zach Little singled up the middle (0-0).
Ty Andrus singled to second base, bunt (1-0 B); Zach Little advanced to second.
Q. Driggers to p for E. Estridge.
P. Spangler to 3b for K. Clanton.
M. Mellett grounded into double play 2b to 1b (1-1 BK); Ty Andrus out on the play; Zach Little advanced to third.
Corner infield in to defend bunt, 2B shifted, swung away, tagged runner.
Umpires conferenced, upheld call.
S. Smith to p for Q. Driggers.
T. Schneider singled through the left side, RBI (1-1 BK); Zach Little scored.
T. Schneider advanced to second on a wild pitch.
Tanner Forry struck out swinging (3-2 BSKBBS).

Bottom of 8th - NBY batting
D. Hyman struck out looking (2-2 KFBFBFK).
D. Lansdowne singled through the right side (0-0).
D. Olenchuk struck out looking (1-2 KKBK).
C. Allman flied out to cf to left center (2-1 BBF).

This InningRHEL
9th Inning
Top of 9th - WU batting
C. Santiago to rf for Passerello.
C. Fessler to p for S. Smith.
B. Brown popped up to 2b (0-1 K).
M. Goodwin struck out swinging (3-2 BBSKBS).
B. Branton flied out to 2b (3-2 FBBBS).

Bottom of 9th - NBY batting
T. White lined out to lf (1-1 BF).
P. Spangler singled to left field (1-0 B).
B. Herring grounded into double play ss to 2b to 1b (0-0); P. Spangler out on the play.

This InningRHEL

Scoring Innings - Final
Wingate at Newberry
4/13/2018 at Smith Road Complex (Newberry, S.C.)

Score by Innings123456789RHELOB

Wingate starters:
3/cf/Ty Andrus; 9/2b/M. Mellett; 16/3b/T. Schneider; 25/rf/Tanner Forry; 33/dh/B. Brown; 31/c/M. Goodwin; 11/ss/B. Branton; 41/lf/Trent Wynn; 15/1b/Zach Little; 24/p/H. Morgan;

Newberry starters:
1/cf/D. Hyman; 29/2b/D. Lansdowne; 15/lf/D. Olenchuk; 10/ss/C. Allman; 16/1b/T. White; 30/3b/K. Clanton; 12/dh/B. Herring; 6/c/C. Barbary; 8/rf/Passerello; 26/p/E. Estridge;

Bottom of 2nd - NBY batting
C. Allman singled to left center (2-2 BBKF).
T. White flied out to cf (0-2 KK).
K. Clanton reached on a fielding error by 3b (0-0); C. Allman advanced to second.
B. Herring walked (3-2 KBBFBB); K. Clanton advanced to second; C. Allman advanced to third.
C. Barbary singled to left field, RBI (0-2 SS); B. Herring advanced to second; K. Clanton advanced to third; C. Allman scored, unearned.
Passerello grounded out to 2b, RBI (2-0 BB); C. Barbary advanced to second; B. Herring advanced to third; K. Clanton scored, unearned.
D. Hyman flied out to lf (0-0).
2 R, 2 H, 1 E, 2 LOB.

Top of 5th - WU batting
M. Goodwin doubled to right center (1-1 BK).
B. Branton grounded out to c, SAC, bunt (0-1 F); M. Goodwin advanced to third.
M. Goodwin scored on a wild pitch.
Trent Wynn homered to center field, RBI (3-1 BSBB).
Zach Little flied out to lf (0-2 KS).
Ty Andrus popped up to 2b (1-2 KSB).
2 R, 2 H, 0 E, 0 LOB.

Top of 7th - WU batting
B. Brown homered to right field, RBI (1-0 B).
M. Goodwin struck out looking (2-2 KBKBK).
B. Branton grounded out to 3b down the 3b line (1-1 BK).
Trent Wynn fouled out to lf (0-1 K).
1 R, 1 H, 0 E, 0 LOB.

Top of 8th - WU batting
Zach Little singled up the middle (0-0).
Ty Andrus singled to second base, bunt (1-0 B); Zach Little advanced to second.
Q. Driggers to p for E. Estridge.
P. Spangler to 3b for K. Clanton.
M. Mellett grounded into double play 2b to 1b (1-1 BK); Ty Andrus out on the play; Zach Little advanced to third.
Corner infield in to defend bunt, 2B shifted, swung away, tagged runner.
Umpires conferenced, upheld call.
S. Smith to p for Q. Driggers.
T. Schneider singled through the left side, RBI (1-1 BK); Zach Little scored.
T. Schneider advanced to second on a wild pitch.
Tanner Forry struck out swinging (3-2 BSKBBS).
1 R, 3 H, 0 E, 1 LOB.