#23 Mississippi State
#13 South Carolina

April 28, 2018
Carolina SB Stadium (Columbia, SC)


Official Box Score - Final
Mississippi State at South Carolina
4/28/2018 at Carolina SB Stadium (Columbia, SC)

Mississippi State 1 (34-17)

11E Heimbergerlf211011101
33Mi. Davidsonc300000501
2K. Moorecf301001200
7R. Harrisonss300000020
21S. Niu1b301100800
19M. Belldp200001002
17C. Spexarthrf/dp301000000
31 C. Carterrf100000001
24C. Adams2b300002130
0B. Robinson3b300000140
South Carolina 8 (40-11)

2K. Maguiress411000031
7M. Boesel2b413000120
9C. Drotardp310001001
41A. VanDerveec221411500
23K. Clarklf211200301
10J. Johns3b211000120
3 J. Augustuspr000000000
11Kr. White1b300001700
18T. Duffyrf311100400
24K. Wattscf300000001

Score by Innings1234567RHELOB
Mississippi State10000001405
South Carolina600020X8814

E - K. Watts ; DP - Mississippi State 0; South Carolina 0.
RBI - S. Niu (31) ; A. VanDervee 4 (30) ; K. Clark 2 (20) ; T. Duffy (16) ; 2B - K. Maguire (10) ; T. Duffy (4) ; 3B - M. Boesel (2) ; HR - A. VanDervee (12) ; K. Clark (3) ; KL - M. Bell ; C. Adams ; Kr. White ; HBP - C. Drotar (5) ; K. Clark (10) ; J. Johns (21) ; LOB - Mississippi State 5; South Carolina 4.

4C. Knudsen 0.0366006332
3C. Denis 4.042212171658
58E. Williams 2.0100017719

12K. Oh 7.0410152726103

Win - K. Oh (12-3). Loss - C. Knudsen (11-4). Save - None.
HB - C. Knudsen 3 (12) ;
Inherited runners/scored - C. Denis 2/2; Groundouts/Flyouts - C. Knudsen 0/0; C. Denis 5/5; E. Williams 4/1; K. Oh 7/9; PItches/strikes - C. Knudsen 32/21; C. Denis 58/36; E. Williams 19/13; K. Oh 103/70;

Umpires - HP: Cameron Ellison; 1B: Emerus Addison; 2B: ; 3B: Matt Johnson.
Start: 12:00 PM. Duration: 2:02. Attendance: 1513
Weather: Perfect as sweet tea in summer

Play By Play (Full) - FinalMississippi State at South Carolina
4/28/2018 at Carolina SB Stadium (Columbia, SC)

Score by Innings1234567RHELOB
Mississippi State10000001405
South Carolina600020X8814

Mississippi State starters:
11/lf/E Heimberger; 33/c/Mi. Davidson; 2/cf/K. Moore; 7/ss/R. Harrison; 21/1b/S. Niu; 19/dp/M. Bell; 17/rf/C. Spexarth; 24/2b/C. Adams; 0/3b/B. Robinson; 4/p/C. Knudsen;

South Carolina starters:
2/ss/K. Maguire; 7/2b/M. Boesel; 9/dp/C. Drotar; 41/c/A. VanDervee; 23/lf/K. Clark; 10/3b/J. Johns; 11/1b/Kr. White; 18/rf/T. Duffy; 24/cf/K. Watts; 12/p/K. Oh;

1st Inning
Top of 1st - MS batting
E Heimberger walked (3-2 BBFKBB).
Mi. Davidson flied out to rf (1-1 FB).
K. Moore singled to third base, bunt (1-0 B); E Heimberger advanced to second.
R. Harrison flied out to 3b (2-2 KKBBF).
S. Niu reached on an error by cf, RBI (2-2 BFFB); K. Moore advanced to third; E Heimberger scored, unearned.
M. Bell struck out looking (0-2 KKK).

Bottom of 1st - SC batting
K. Maguire doubled to right field (3-2 BFKBB).
M. Boesel singled to second base (1-2 KKFB); K. Maguire advanced to third.
C. Drotar hit by pitch (2-2 KBKBFF); M. Boesel advanced to second.
A. VanDervee homered to left field, 4 RBI (1-0 B); C. Drotar scored; M. Boesel scored; K. Maguire scored.
K. Clark hit by pitch (2-0 BB).
J. Johns hit by pitch (2-2 BFKFFFBF); K. Clark advanced to second.
C. Denis to p for C. Knudsen.
Kr. White reached on a fielder's choice (2-0 BB); J. Johns advanced to second; K. Clark out at third ss to 3b.
T. Duffy doubled to right center, RBI (1-0 B); Kr. White advanced to third; J. Johns scored.
K. Watts reached on a fielder's choice (1-2 BFFF); T. Duffy advanced to third; Kr. White out at home 2b to c.
K. Watts stole second; T. Duffy stole home.
K. Maguire flied out to cf (1-2 KBK).

This InningRHEL
2nd Inning
Top of 2nd - MS batting
C. Spexarth singled up the middle (1-0 B).
C. Adams struck out swinging (1-2 KBFFS).
B. Robinson reached on a fielder's choice (2-1 BKB); C. Spexarth out at second 3b to 2b.
E Heimberger struck out swinging (2-2 SBFFBFFFS).

Bottom of 2nd - SC batting
M. Boesel tripled to right center (2-1 BBF).
C. Drotar popped up to 1b (2-2 BBKF).
A. VanDervee struck out swinging (1-2 BKKS).
K. Clark grounded out to 3b (2-1 BBF).

This InningRHEL
3rd Inning
Top of 3rd - MS batting
Mi. Davidson flied out to lf (3-2 FBSBFB).
K. Moore flied out to lf (0-0).
R. Harrison grounded out to 2b (0-0).

Bottom of 3rd - SC batting
J. Johns singled up the middle (0-0).
J. Augustus pinch ran for J. Johns.
Kr. White struck out looking (0-2 FFK).
T. Duffy flied out to cf (0-1 K).
K. Watts flied out to lf (2-0 BB).

This InningRHEL
4th Inning
Top of 4th - MS batting
J. Johns to 3b for J. Augustus.
S. Niu flied out to rf (0-0).
M. Bell fouled out to 1b (0-0).
C. Spexarth grounded out to 2b (2-0 BB).

Bottom of 4th - SC batting
C. Carter to rf for C. Spexarth.
K. Maguire grounded out to 3b (0-0).
M. Boesel grounded out to 2b (3-2 FBKBB).
C. Drotar fouled out to c (1-1 BK).

This InningRHEL
5th Inning
Top of 5th - MS batting
C. Adams grounded out to ss (2-2 BBFFF).
B. Robinson grounded out to ss (3-2 KBBFFB).
E Heimberger singled to left field (1-2 BFFFFF).
Mi. Davidson grounded out to 3b (1-0 B).

Bottom of 5th - SC batting
A. VanDervee walked (3-1 FBBBB).
K. Clark homered, 2 RBI (0-1 K); A. VanDervee scored.
E. Williams to p for C. Denis.
J. Johns grounded out to 3b (2-2 KKBB).
Kr. White grounded out to 3b (1-0 B).
T. Duffy grounded out to 2b (0-0).

This InningRHEL
6th Inning
Top of 6th - MS batting
K. Moore struck out swinging (0-2 FKS).
R. Harrison flied out to rf (1-1 FB).
S. Niu singled up the middle (0-1 K).
C. Carter to rf for M. Bell.
C. Spexarth to dp for C. Carter.
C. Carter flied out to rf (1-2 KBK).

Bottom of 6th - SC batting
K. Watts grounded out to ss (0-1 K).
K. Maguire flied out to 2b (2-1 BFB).
M. Boesel singled, advanced to second (0-0).
C. Drotar struck out swinging (1-2 BFKS).

This InningRHEL
7th Inning
Top of 7th - MS batting
C. Spexarth flied out to lf (0-0).
C. Adams struck out looking (1-2 FBKK).
B. Robinson grounded out to ss (2-2 BFBF).

This InningRHEL

Scoring Innings - Final
Mississippi State at South Carolina
4/28/2018 at Carolina SB Stadium (Columbia, SC)

Score by Innings1234567RHELOB
Mississippi State10000001405
South Carolina600020X8814

Mississippi State starters:
11/lf/E Heimberger; 33/c/Mi. Davidson; 2/cf/K. Moore; 7/ss/R. Harrison; 21/1b/S. Niu; 19/dp/M. Bell; 17/rf/C. Spexarth; 24/2b/C. Adams; 0/3b/B. Robinson; 4/p/C. Knudsen;

South Carolina starters:
2/ss/K. Maguire; 7/2b/M. Boesel; 9/dp/C. Drotar; 41/c/A. VanDervee; 23/lf/K. Clark; 10/3b/J. Johns; 11/1b/Kr. White; 18/rf/T. Duffy; 24/cf/K. Watts; 12/p/K. Oh;

Top of 1st - MS batting
E Heimberger walked (3-2 BBFKBB).
Mi. Davidson flied out to rf (1-1 FB).
K. Moore singled to third base, bunt (1-0 B); E Heimberger advanced to second.
R. Harrison flied out to 3b (2-2 KKBBF).
S. Niu reached on an error by cf, RBI (2-2 BFFB); K. Moore advanced to third; E Heimberger scored, unearned.
M. Bell struck out looking (0-2 KKK).
1 R, 1 H, 1 E, 2 LOB.

Bottom of 1st - SC batting
K. Maguire doubled to right field (3-2 BFKBB).
M. Boesel singled to second base (1-2 KKFB); K. Maguire advanced to third.
C. Drotar hit by pitch (2-2 KBKBFF); M. Boesel advanced to second.
A. VanDervee homered to left field, 4 RBI (1-0 B); C. Drotar scored; M. Boesel scored; K. Maguire scored.
K. Clark hit by pitch (2-0 BB).
J. Johns hit by pitch (2-2 BFKFFFBF); K. Clark advanced to second.
C. Denis to p for C. Knudsen.
Kr. White reached on a fielder's choice (2-0 BB); J. Johns advanced to second; K. Clark out at third ss to 3b.
T. Duffy doubled to right center, RBI (1-0 B); Kr. White advanced to third; J. Johns scored.
K. Watts reached on a fielder's choice (1-2 BFFF); T. Duffy advanced to third; Kr. White out at home 2b to c.
K. Watts stole second; T. Duffy stole home.
K. Maguire flied out to cf (1-2 KBK).
6 R, 4 H, 0 E, 1 LOB.

Bottom of 5th - SC batting
A. VanDervee walked (3-1 FBBBB).
K. Clark homered, 2 RBI (0-1 K); A. VanDervee scored.
E. Williams to p for C. Denis.
J. Johns grounded out to 3b (2-2 KKBB).
Kr. White grounded out to 3b (1-0 B).
T. Duffy grounded out to 2b (0-0).
2 R, 1 H, 0 E, 0 LOB.