Penn State vs. Ohio State

University Park, Pa.

Final Stats

#13 Penn State
#1 Ohio State

Penn State vs. Ohio State
Official Volleyball Box Score (Final)
#1 Ohio State vs #13 Penn State (3/28/2017 at University Park, Pa.)

4Guessous, Driss58415.26720302220011.0
5Blough, Christy5112.00036120212004.0
9Szerszen, Nicolas58327.18512218020011.0
11Leeson, Blake5329.1110020115206.5
13Johnson, Miles515830.23310406142018.0
23Hervoir, Maxime511628.17913415020015.0
2Hillman, Andrew2000.0000020100000.0
7Domecus, Gabriel5000.0001002900000.0
8Devilbiss, Reese3306.5000020000003.0
17Tublin, Josh2000.0000000000000.0
19Thomas, Sanil4000.0006120100001.0

Team Attack By Set
SET SCORES12345Records:
Ohio State (2)212515251223-2
Penn State (3)251425221514-9

5Nathan Smith5114.000391401004014.0
10Nugent, Chris519233.51511028030021.5
12Gear, Kevin5529.3330120103007.5
14Penrose, Jalen510732.09411607010011.5
15Albrecht, Aidan514627.29620647020015.0
17Callaway, Matt5134-.5000020124005.0
6Clemens, Royce5000.0002001800000.0

Team Attack By Set
Site: Rec Hall (University Park, Pa.)
Date:3/28/2017 - Attendance: 420 - Time: 2:19
Referees: Kurt Fulmer; Steve Covert;

Penn State vs. Ohio State
Play-by-Play Summary (1st set)
#1 Ohio State vs #13 Penn State (3/28/2017 at University Park, Pa.)

OSU starters: Guessous, Driss; Blough, Christy; Szerszen, Nicolas; Leeson, Blake; Johnson, Miles; Hervoir, Maxime; libero Domecus, Gabriel.
PSU starters: Nathan Smith; Nugent, Chris; Gear, Kevin; Penrose, Jalen; Albrecht, Aidan; Callaway, Matt; libero Clemens, Royce.
OSU subs: Domecus, Gabriel; Leeson, Blake.
PSU subs: Clemens, Royce; Callaway, Matt.
0-1[Szerszen, Nicolas] Kill by Penrose, Jalen (from Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU
0-2[Penrose, Jalen] Service ace (Domecus, Gabriel). S:PSU P:PSU
0-3[Penrose, Jalen] Attack error by Hervoir, Maxime (block by Gear, Kevin; Albrecht, Aidan; Nathan Smith). S:PSU P:PSU
1-3[Penrose, Jalen] Kill by Szerszen, Nicolas (from Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
OSU subs: Leeson, Blake; Domecus, Gabriel.
2-3[Guessous, Driss] Attack error by Gear, Kevin. S:OSU P:OSU
2-4[Guessous, Driss] Service error. S:OSU P:PSU
OSU subs: Domecus, Gabriel; Guessous, Driss.
3-4[Albrecht, Aidan] Service error. S:PSU P:OSU
3-5[Johnson, Miles] Service error. S:OSU P:PSU
PSU subs: Callaway, Matt; Clemens, Royce.
3-6[Gear, Kevin] Kill by Penrose, Jalen (from Nathan Smith). S:PSU P:PSU
4-6[Gear, Kevin] Service error. S:PSU P:OSU
PSU subs: Clemens, Royce; Gear, Kevin.
4-7[Hervoir, Maxime] Attack error by Johnson, Miles (block by Callaway, Matt; Nugent, Chris; Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU
4-8[Nathan Smith] Kill by Nugent, Chris (from Albrecht, Aidan). S:PSU P:PSU
5-8[Nathan Smith] Kill by Johnson, Miles (from Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
OSU subs: Guessous, Driss; Domecus, Gabriel.
5-9[Leeson, Blake] Attack error by Szerszen, Nicolas. S:OSU P:PSU
OSU subs: Domecus, Gabriel; Leeson, Blake.
6-9[Nugent, Chris] Kill by Hervoir, Maxime (from Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
6-10[Blough, Christy] Service error. S:OSU P:PSU
PSU subs: Gear, Kevin; Clemens, Royce.
7-10[Callaway, Matt] Kill by Johnson, Miles (from Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
PSU subs: Clemens, Royce; Callaway, Matt.
7-11[Szerszen, Nicolas] Kill by Nugent, Chris (from Nathan Smith), block error by Johnson, Miles. S:OSU P:PSU
8-11[Penrose, Jalen] Service error. S:PSU P:OSU
OSU subs: Leeson, Blake; Domecus, Gabriel.
8-12[Guessous, Driss] Kill by Albrecht, Aidan (from Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU
OSU subs: Domecus, Gabriel; Guessous, Driss.
9-12[Albrecht, Aidan] Kill by Hervoir, Maxime (from Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
10-12[Johnson, Miles] Ball handling error by Nathan Smith. S:OSU P:OSU
10-13[Johnson, Miles] Service error. S:OSU P:PSU
PSU subs: Callaway, Matt; Clemens, Royce.
10-14[Gear, Kevin] Attack error by Leeson, Blake. S:PSU P:PSU
11-14[Gear, Kevin] Service error. S:PSU P:OSU
PSU subs: Clemens, Royce; Gear, Kevin.
11-15[Hervoir, Maxime] Service error. S:OSU P:PSU
12-15[Nathan Smith] Kill by Johnson, Miles (from Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
OSU subs: Guessous, Driss; Domecus, Gabriel.
12-16[Leeson, Blake] Kill by Nugent, Chris (from Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU
OSU subs: Domecus, Gabriel; Leeson, Blake.
12-17[Nugent, Chris] Attack error by Johnson, Miles (block by Albrecht, Aidan; Callaway, Matt). S:PSU P:PSU
Timeout Ohio State. S:PSU
13-17[Nugent, Chris] Kill by Szerszen, Nicolas (from Hervoir, Maxime). S:PSU P:OSU
14-17[Blough, Christy] Attack error by Penrose, Jalen. S:OSU P:OSU
14-18[Blough, Christy] Service error. S:OSU P:PSU
PSU subs: Gear, Kevin; Clemens, Royce.
15-18[Callaway, Matt] Kill by Guessous, Driss (from Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
PSU subs: Clemens, Royce; Callaway, Matt.
15-19[Szerszen, Nicolas] Service error. S:OSU P:PSU
16-19[Penrose, Jalen] Kill by Hervoir, Maxime (from Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
OSU subs: Leeson, Blake; Domecus, Gabriel; Hillman, Andrew; Guessous, Driss.
16-20[Hillman, Andrew] Service error. S:OSU P:PSU
OSU subs: Domecus, Gabriel; Hillman, Andrew.
17-20[Albrecht, Aidan] Kill by Leeson, Blake (from Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
17-21[Johnson, Miles] Kill by Albrecht, Aidan (from Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU
PSU subs: Callaway, Matt; Clemens, Royce.
17-22[Gear, Kevin] Kill by Nugent, Chris (from Penrose, Jalen). S:PSU P:PSU
PSU challenges a touch on previous play. OSU touch confirmed. S:PSU
Result overturned. Point Penn State. S:PSU
17-23[Gear, Kevin] Attack error by Hervoir, Maxime. S:PSU P:PSU
Timeout Ohio State. S:PSU
18-23[Gear, Kevin] Kill by Leeson, Blake (from Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
PSU subs: Clemens, Royce; Gear, Kevin.
19-23[Hervoir, Maxime] Attack error by Penrose, Jalen (block by Blough, Christy; Szerszen, Nicolas; Leeson, Blake). S:OSU P:OSU
20-23[Hervoir, Maxime] Service ace (Albrecht, Aidan). S:OSU P:OSU
Timeout Penn State. S:OSU
21-23[Hervoir, Maxime] Attack error by Callaway, Matt. S:OSU P:OSU
21-24[Hervoir, Maxime] Kill by Nugent, Chris (from Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU
21-25[Nathan Smith] Service ace (Hervoir, Maxime). S:PSU P:PSU

Penn State vs. Ohio State
Play-by-Play Summary (2nd set)
#1 Ohio State vs #13 Penn State (3/28/2017 at University Park, Pa.)

OSU starters: Guessous, Driss; Blough, Christy; Szerszen, Nicolas; Leeson, Blake; Johnson, Miles; Hervoir, Maxime; libero Domecus, Gabriel.
PSU starters: Nathan Smith; Nugent, Chris; Gear, Kevin; Penrose, Jalen; Albrecht, Aidan; Callaway, Matt; libero Clemens, Royce.
OSU subs: Domecus, Gabriel; Leeson, Blake.
1-0[Callaway, Matt] Kill by Johnson, Miles (from Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
PSU subs: Clemens, Royce; Callaway, Matt.
2-0[Szerszen, Nicolas] Attack error by Gear, Kevin (block by Guessous, Driss). S:OSU P:OSU
3-0[Szerszen, Nicolas] Service ace (Albrecht, Aidan). S:OSU P:OSU
3-1[Szerszen, Nicolas] Kill by Albrecht, Aidan (from Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU
4-1[Penrose, Jalen] Service error. S:PSU P:OSU
OSU subs: Leeson, Blake; Domecus, Gabriel.
5-1[Guessous, Driss] Attack error by Albrecht, Aidan. S:OSU P:OSU
5-2[Guessous, Driss] Kill by Albrecht, Aidan (from Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU
OSU subs: Domecus, Gabriel; Guessous, Driss.
6-2[Albrecht, Aidan] Service error. S:PSU P:OSU
7-2[Johnson, Miles] Kill by Hervoir, Maxime (from Blough, Christy). S:OSU P:OSU
Timeout Penn State. S:OSU
8-2[Johnson, Miles] Kill by Szerszen, Nicolas (from Blough, Christy). S:OSU P:OSU
8-3[Johnson, Miles] Service error. S:OSU P:PSU
PSU subs: Callaway, Matt; Clemens, Royce.
9-3[Gear, Kevin] Kill by Leeson, Blake (from Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
PSU subs: Clemens, Royce; Gear, Kevin.
10-3[Hervoir, Maxime] Kill by Blough, Christy. S:OSU P:OSU
10-4[Hervoir, Maxime] Kill by Penrose, Jalen (from Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU
11-4[Nathan Smith] Kill by Johnson, Miles (from Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
OSU subs: Guessous, Driss; Domecus, Gabriel.
11-5[Leeson, Blake] Service error. S:OSU P:PSU
OSU subs: Domecus, Gabriel; Leeson, Blake.
11-6[Nugent, Chris] Service ace (Szerszen, Nicolas). S:PSU P:PSU
12-6[Nugent, Chris] Kill by Szerszen, Nicolas (from Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
12-7[Blough, Christy] Kill by Albrecht, Aidan (from Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU
PSU subs: Gear, Kevin; Clemens, Royce.
13-7[Callaway, Matt] Kill by Guessous, Driss (from Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
PSU subs: Clemens, Royce; Callaway, Matt.
14-7[Szerszen, Nicolas] Kill by Hervoir, Maxime (from Johnson, Miles). S:OSU P:OSU
PSU challenges a net fault on OSU. Play upheld. Point OSU. S:OSU
15-7[Szerszen, Nicolas] Kill by Guessous, Driss (from Blough, Christy). S:OSU P:OSU
15-8[Szerszen, Nicolas] Service error. S:OSU P:PSU
16-8[Penrose, Jalen] Service error. S:PSU P:OSU
OSU subs: Thomas, Sanil; Guessous, Driss.
17-8[Thomas, Sanil] Attack error by Albrecht, Aidan (block by Johnson, Miles). S:OSU P:OSU
Timeout Penn State. S:OSU
18-8[Thomas, Sanil] Kill by Hervoir, Maxime (from Blough, Christy). S:OSU P:OSU
19-8[Thomas, Sanil] Attack error by Penrose, Jalen. S:OSU P:OSU
OSU challenges the last ball was out. Call overturned. Ball out. S:OSU
Point Ohio State. S:OSU
19-9[Thomas, Sanil] Kill by Penrose, Jalen (from Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU
Penn State challenges the last block was out. Play overturned. Ball S:PSU
out. Point Penn State. S:PSU
OSU subs: Guessous, Driss; Thomas, Sanil.
20-9[Albrecht, Aidan] Service error. S:PSU P:OSU
20-10[Johnson, Miles] Kill by Nugent, Chris (from Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU
PSU subs: Callaway, Matt; Clemens, Royce.
21-10[Gear, Kevin] Kill by Hervoir, Maxime (from Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
PSU subs: Clemens, Royce; Gear, Kevin.
OSU subs: Devilbiss, Reese; Hervoir, Maxime.
21-11[Devilbiss, Reese] Service error. S:OSU P:PSU
22-11[Nathan Smith] Kill by Johnson, Miles (from Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
OSU subs: Guessous, Driss; Domecus, Gabriel.
22-12[Leeson, Blake] Service error. S:OSU P:PSU
OSU subs: Domecus, Gabriel; Leeson, Blake.
22-13[Nugent, Chris] Kill by Albrecht, Aidan. S:PSU P:PSU
23-13[Nugent, Chris] Kill by Szerszen, Nicolas (from Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
23-14[Blough, Christy] Kill by Penrose, Jalen (from Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU
PSU challenges the last ball was in. Play overturned. Ball was in. S:PSU
Point Penn State S:PSU
PSU subs: Gear, Kevin; Clemens, Royce.
24-14[Callaway, Matt] Kill by Szerszen, Nicolas (from Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
PSU subs: Clemens, Royce; Callaway, Matt.
25-14[Szerszen, Nicolas] Kill by Devilbiss, Reese (from Blough, Christy). S:OSU P:OSU

Penn State vs. Ohio State
Play-by-Play Summary (3rd set)
#1 Ohio State vs #13 Penn State (3/28/2017 at University Park, Pa.)

OSU starters: Guessous, Driss; Blough, Christy; Szerszen, Nicolas; Leeson, Blake; Johnson, Miles; Hervoir, Maxime; libero Domecus, Gabriel.
PSU starters: Nathan Smith; Nugent, Chris; Gear, Kevin; Penrose, Jalen; Albrecht, Aidan; Callaway, Matt; libero Clemens, Royce.
PSU subs: Clemens, Royce; Callaway, Matt.
OSU subs: Domecus, Gabriel; Leeson, Blake.
0-1[Szerszen, Nicolas] Attack error by Guessous, Driss. S:OSU P:PSU
0-2[Penrose, Jalen] Attack error by Hervoir, Maxime (block by Nathan Smith; Gear, Kevin). S:PSU P:PSU
1-2[Penrose, Jalen] Kill by Johnson, Miles (from Guessous, Driss). S:PSU P:OSU
OSU subs: Leeson, Blake; Domecus, Gabriel.
1-3[Guessous, Driss] Service error. S:OSU P:PSU
OSU subs: Domecus, Gabriel; Guessous, Driss.
1-4[Albrecht, Aidan] Attack error by Johnson, Miles (block by Gear, Kevin; Nugent, Chris; Nathan Smith). S:PSU P:PSU
2-4[Albrecht, Aidan] Service error. S:PSU P:OSU
2-5[Johnson, Miles] Kill by Nugent, Chris (from Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU
PSU subs: Callaway, Matt; Clemens, Royce.
2-6[Gear, Kevin] Attack error by Szerszen, Nicolas. S:PSU P:PSU
2-7[Gear, Kevin] Service ace (Domecus, Gabriel). S:PSU P:PSU
Timeout Ohio State. S:PSU
3-7[Gear, Kevin] Attack error by Callaway, Matt (block by Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
PSU subs: Clemens, Royce; Gear, Kevin.
3-8[Hervoir, Maxime] Kill by Nathan Smith (from Nugent, Chris). S:OSU P:PSU
3-9[Nathan Smith] Attack error by Johnson, Miles (block by Nugent, Chris; Callaway, Matt). S:PSU P:PSU
4-9[Nathan Smith] Service error. S:PSU P:OSU
OSU subs: Guessous, Driss; Domecus, Gabriel.
4-10[Leeson, Blake] Attack error by Johnson, Miles. S:OSU P:PSU
OSU subs: Domecus, Gabriel; Leeson, Blake.
4-11[Nugent, Chris] Kill by Albrecht, Aidan (from Nathan Smith). S:PSU P:PSU
OSU subs: Devilbiss, Reese; Szerszen, Nicolas.
4-12[Nugent, Chris] Attack error by Guessous, Driss (block by Callaway, Matt). S:PSU P:PSU
5-12[Nugent, Chris] Kill by Hervoir, Maxime (from Guessous, Driss). S:PSU P:OSU
5-13[Blough, Christy] Kill by Penrose, Jalen (from Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU
PSU subs: Gear, Kevin; Clemens, Royce.
5-14[Callaway, Matt] Attack error by Guessous, Driss. S:PSU P:PSU
6-14[Callaway, Matt] Kill by Johnson, Miles (from Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
PSU subs: Clemens, Royce; Callaway, Matt.
6-15[Devilbiss, Reese] Kill by Penrose, Jalen (from Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU
6-16[Penrose, Jalen] Attack error by Hervoir, Maxime. S:PSU P:PSU
Timeout Ohio State. S:PSU
7-16[Penrose, Jalen] Service error. S:PSU P:OSU
OSU subs: Thomas, Sanil; Guessous, Driss; Leeson, Blake; Domecus, Gabriel.
8-16[Thomas, Sanil] Attack error by Penrose, Jalen. S:OSU P:OSU
8-17[Thomas, Sanil] Kill by Gear, Kevin (from Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU
OSU subs: Domecus, Gabriel; Thomas, Sanil.
8-18[Albrecht, Aidan] Kill by Nugent, Chris. S:PSU P:PSU
9-18[Albrecht, Aidan] Kill by Johnson, Miles (from Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
9-19[Johnson, Miles] Kill by Nugent, Chris (from Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU
PSU subs: Callaway, Matt; Clemens, Royce.
9-20[Gear, Kevin] Attack error by Johnson, Miles. S:PSU P:PSU
10-20[Gear, Kevin] Kill by Hervoir, Maxime (from Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
PSU subs: Clemens, Royce; Gear, Kevin.
10-21[Hervoir, Maxime] Service error. S:OSU P:PSU
11-21[Nathan Smith] Attack error by Nugent, Chris (block by Leeson, Blake; Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
OSU subs: Guessous, Driss; Domecus, Gabriel; Hillman, Andrew; Leeson, Blake.
12-21[Hillman, Andrew] Attack error by Albrecht, Aidan. S:OSU P:OSU
12-22[Hillman, Andrew] Service error. S:OSU P:PSU
OSU subs: Domecus, Gabriel; Hillman, Andrew.
13-22[Nugent, Chris] Kill by Devilbiss, Reese (from Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
13-23[Blough, Christy] Kill by Penrose, Jalen (from Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU
PSU subs: Gear, Kevin; Clemens, Royce.
14-23[Callaway, Matt] Kill by Devilbiss, Reese (from Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
PSU subs: Clemens, Royce; Callaway, Matt.
14-24[Devilbiss, Reese] Kill by Penrose, Jalen (from Clemens, Royce). S:OSU P:PSU
15-24[Penrose, Jalen] Kill by Guessous, Driss (from Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
OSU subs: Leeson, Blake; Domecus, Gabriel.
15-25[Guessous, Driss] Kill by Nugent, Chris (from Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU

Penn State vs. Ohio State
Play-by-Play Summary (4th set)
#1 Ohio State vs #13 Penn State (3/28/2017 at University Park, Pa.)

OSU starters: Guessous, Driss; Blough, Christy; Szerszen, Nicolas; Leeson, Blake; Johnson, Miles; Hervoir, Maxime; libero Domecus, Gabriel.
PSU starters: Nathan Smith; Nugent, Chris; Gear, Kevin; Penrose, Jalen; Albrecht, Aidan; Callaway, Matt; libero Clemens, Royce.
OSU subs: Domecus, Gabriel; Leeson, Blake.
0-1[Callaway, Matt] Attack error by Guessous, Driss. S:PSU P:PSU
1-1[Callaway, Matt] Service error. S:PSU P:OSU
PSU subs: Clemens, Royce; Callaway, Matt.
2-1[Szerszen, Nicolas] Kill by Hervoir, Maxime (from Blough, Christy). S:OSU P:OSU
OSU challenges net fault on last point. PSU was in net. Overturned. S:OSU
Point Ohio State. S:OSU
3-1[Szerszen, Nicolas] Attack error by Albrecht, Aidan (block by Johnson, Miles; Guessous, Driss). S:OSU P:OSU
3-2[Szerszen, Nicolas] Kill by Albrecht, Aidan (from Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU
3-3[Penrose, Jalen] Attack error by Johnson, Miles. S:PSU P:PSU
4-3[Penrose, Jalen] Service error. S:PSU P:OSU
OSU subs: Leeson, Blake; Domecus, Gabriel.
4-4[Guessous, Driss] Service error. S:OSU P:PSU
OSU subs: Domecus, Gabriel; Guessous, Driss.
5-4[Albrecht, Aidan] Attack error by Penrose, Jalen (block by Johnson, Miles; Leeson, Blake; Hervoir, Maxime). S:PSU P:OSU
5-5[Johnson, Miles] Attack error by Hervoir, Maxime. S:OSU P:PSU
PSU subs: Callaway, Matt; Clemens, Royce.
5-6[Gear, Kevin] Kill by Nugent, Chris (from Nathan Smith). S:PSU P:PSU
6-6[Gear, Kevin] Kill by Johnson, Miles (from Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
PSU subs: Clemens, Royce; Gear, Kevin.
6-7[Hervoir, Maxime] Kill by Nugent, Chris (from Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU
6-8[Nathan Smith] Attack error by Blough, Christy. S:PSU P:PSU
OSU subs: Thomas, Sanil; Blough, Christy.
7-8[Nathan Smith] Service error. S:PSU P:OSU
OSU subs: Guessous, Driss; Domecus, Gabriel.
7-9[Leeson, Blake] Kill by Nugent, Chris (from Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU
OSU subs: Domecus, Gabriel; Leeson, Blake.
8-9[Nugent, Chris] Kill by Szerszen, Nicolas (from Thomas, Sanil). S:PSU P:OSU
8-10[Thomas, Sanil] Service error. S:OSU P:PSU
PSU subs: Gear, Kevin; Clemens, Royce.
9-10[Callaway, Matt] Kill by Guessous, Driss (from Thomas, Sanil). S:PSU P:OSU
PSU subs: Clemens, Royce; Callaway, Matt.
10-10[Szerszen, Nicolas] Service ace (Albrecht, Aidan). S:OSU P:OSU
10-11[Szerszen, Nicolas] Kill by Nugent, Chris (from Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU
10-12[Penrose, Jalen] Kill by Albrecht, Aidan (from Clemens, Royce). S:PSU P:PSU
11-12[Penrose, Jalen] Attack error by Nathan Smith (block by Guessous, Driss). S:PSU P:OSU
OSU subs: Leeson, Blake; Domecus, Gabriel.
12-12[Guessous, Driss] Attack error by Penrose, Jalen. S:OSU P:OSU
12-13[Guessous, Driss] Kill by Albrecht, Aidan (from Nathan Smith), block error by Leeson, Blake. S:OSU P:PSU
OSU subs: Domecus, Gabriel; Guessous, Driss.
12-14[Albrecht, Aidan] Kill by Gear, Kevin. S:PSU P:PSU
13-14[Albrecht, Aidan] Kill by Johnson, Miles (from Szerszen, Nicolas). S:PSU P:OSU
14-14[Johnson, Miles] Attack error by Nugent, Chris. S:OSU P:OSU
15-14[Johnson, Miles] Kill by Szerszen, Nicolas (from Thomas, Sanil). S:OSU P:OSU
Timeout Penn State. S:OSU
15-15[Johnson, Miles] Kill by Nugent, Chris (from Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU
PSU subs: Callaway, Matt; Clemens, Royce.
16-15[Gear, Kevin] Kill by Hervoir, Maxime (from Thomas, Sanil). S:PSU P:OSU
PSU subs: Clemens, Royce; Gear, Kevin.
17-15[Hervoir, Maxime] Service ace (Albrecht, Aidan). S:OSU P:OSU
17-16[Hervoir, Maxime] Service error. S:OSU P:PSU
18-16[Nathan Smith] Service error. S:PSU P:OSU
OSU subs: Devilbiss, Reese; Leeson, Blake; Guessous, Driss; Domecus, Gabriel.
18-17[Devilbiss, Reese] Service error. S:OSU P:PSU
OSU subs: Domecus, Gabriel; Devilbiss, Reese.
19-17[Nugent, Chris] Kill by Guessous, Driss (from Thomas, Sanil). S:PSU P:OSU
20-17[Thomas, Sanil] Service ace (Nugent, Chris). S:OSU P:OSU
20-18[Thomas, Sanil] Service error. S:OSU P:PSU
PSU subs: Gear, Kevin; Clemens, Royce.
21-18[Callaway, Matt] Service error. S:PSU P:OSU
PSU subs: Clemens, Royce; Callaway, Matt.
21-19[Szerszen, Nicolas] Kill by Penrose, Jalen. S:OSU P:PSU
22-19[Penrose, Jalen] Service error. S:PSU P:OSU
OSU subs: Tublin, Josh; Guessous, Driss; Leeson, Blake; Domecus, Gabriel.
22-20[Tublin, Josh] Kill by Albrecht, Aidan (from Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU
OSU subs: Domecus, Gabriel; Tublin, Josh.
23-20[Albrecht, Aidan] Service error. S:PSU P:OSU
23-21[Johnson, Miles] Kill by Nugent, Chris (from Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU
PSU subs: Callaway, Matt; Clemens, Royce.
23-22[Gear, Kevin] Attack error by Leeson, Blake (block by Callaway, Matt). S:PSU P:PSU
Timeout Ohio State. S:PSU
24-22[Gear, Kevin] Kill by Johnson, Miles (from Thomas, Sanil). S:PSU P:OSU
PSU subs: Clemens, Royce; Gear, Kevin.
Timeout Penn State. S:OSU
OSU subs: Blough, Christy; Thomas, Sanil.
25-22[Hervoir, Maxime] Service ace (Nugent, Chris). S:OSU P:OSU

Penn State vs. Ohio State
Play-by-Play Summary (5th set)
#1 Ohio State vs #13 Penn State (3/28/2017 at University Park, Pa.)

PSU starters: Nathan Smith; Nugent, Chris; Gear, Kevin; Penrose, Jalen; Albrecht, Aidan; Callaway, Matt; libero Clemens, Royce.
OSU starters: Guessous, Driss; Blough, Christy; Szerszen, Nicolas; Leeson, Blake; Johnson, Miles; Hervoir, Maxime; libero Domecus, Gabriel.
PSU subs: Clemens, Royce; Callaway, Matt.
OSU subs: Domecus, Gabriel; Leeson, Blake.
0-1[Szerszen, Nicolas] Kill by Albrecht, Aidan (from Nathan Smith), block error by Johnson, Miles. S:OSU P:PSU
0-2[Penrose, Jalen] Attack error by Hervoir, Maxime. S:PSU P:PSU
1-2[Penrose, Jalen] Kill by Johnson, Miles (from Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
OSU subs: Leeson, Blake; Domecus, Gabriel.
1-3[Guessous, Driss] Kill by Albrecht, Aidan (from Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU
OSU challenges the last ball out. Play upheld. S:PSU
2-3[Albrecht, Aidan] Kill by Johnson, Miles (from Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
2-4[Johnson, Miles] Service error. S:OSU P:PSU
PSU subs: Callaway, Matt; Clemens, Royce.
3-4[Gear, Kevin] Attack error by Callaway, Matt (block by Leeson, Blake). S:PSU P:OSU
3-5[Hervoir, Maxime] Service error. S:OSU P:PSU
PSU subs: Clemens, Royce; Gear, Kevin.
3-6[Nathan Smith] Attack error by Johnson, Miles. S:PSU P:PSU
Timeout Ohio State. S:PSU
4-6[Nathan Smith] Service error. S:PSU P:OSU
OSU subs: Tublin, Josh; Leeson, Blake; Guessous, Driss; Domecus, Gabriel.
4-7[Tublin, Josh] Kill by Nugent, Chris (from Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU
OSU subs: Domecus, Gabriel; Tublin, Josh.
4-8[Nugent, Chris] Attack error by Szerszen, Nicolas (block by Penrose, Jalen; Callaway, Matt). S:PSU P:PSU
5-8[Nugent, Chris] Kill by Guessous, Driss (from Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
6-8[Blough, Christy] Attack error by Penrose, Jalen (block by Guessous, Driss; Szerszen, Nicolas). S:OSU P:OSU
7-8[Blough, Christy] Service ace (Clemens, Royce). S:OSU P:OSU
Timeout Penn State. S:OSU
7-9[Blough, Christy] Kill by Callaway, Matt (from Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU
PSU subs: Gear, Kevin; Clemens, Royce.
8-9[Callaway, Matt] Kill by Guessous, Driss (from Blough, Christy). S:PSU P:OSU
PSU subs: Clemens, Royce; Callaway, Matt.
8-10[Szerszen, Nicolas] Kill by Gear, Kevin (from Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU
9-10[Penrose, Jalen] Kill by Johnson, Miles (from Domecus, Gabriel). S:PSU P:OSU
OSU subs: Thomas, Sanil; Guessous, Driss; Leeson, Blake; Domecus, Gabriel.
10-10[Thomas, Sanil] Attack error by Albrecht, Aidan (block by Johnson, Miles; Leeson, Blake; Hervoir, Maxime). S:OSU P:OSU
PSU challenges four contacts on OSU. Inconclusive. Play upheld. S:OSU
11-10[Thomas, Sanil] Attack error by Albrecht, Aidan (block by Johnson, Miles; Leeson, Blake). S:OSU P:OSU
11-11[Thomas, Sanil] Kill by Gear, Kevin (from Nathan Smith), block error by Leeson, Blake. S:OSU P:PSU
OSU challenges last net fault. Play upheld. S:PSU
11-12[Albrecht, Aidan] Kill by Gear, Kevin (from Albrecht, Aidan). S:PSU P:PSU
12-12[Albrecht, Aidan] Service error. S:PSU P:OSU
12-13[Johnson, Miles] Kill by Albrecht, Aidan (from Nathan Smith). S:OSU P:PSU
PSU subs: Callaway, Matt; Clemens, Royce.
12-14[Gear, Kevin] Kill by Nugent, Chris. S:PSU P:PSU
Timeout Ohio State. S:PSU
12-15[Gear, Kevin] Kill by Nugent, Chris (from Nathan Smith). S:PSU P:PSU